Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling

Windmöller BA, Beshay M, Helweg L, Flottmann C, Beermann M, Förster C, Wilkens L, Greiner J, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B (2021)
Cells 10(5): 1024.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 11.41 MB
Windmöller, Beatrice ArianeUniBi; Beshay, Morris; Helweg, LaureenUniBi ; Flottmann, Clara; Beermann, Miriam; Förster, Christine; Wilkens, Ludwig; Greiner, JohannesUniBi ; Kaltschmidt, ChristianUniBi; Kaltschmidt, BarbaraUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
There is growing evidence that cancer stem cells (CSCs), a small subpopulation of self-renewal cancer cells, are responsible for tumor growth, treatment resistance, and cancer relapse and are thus of enormous clinical interest. Here, we aimed to isolate new CSC-like cells derived from human primary non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) specimens and to analyze the influence of different inhibitors of NF-κB and MYC signaling on cell survival. CSC-like cells were established from three squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and three adenocarcinomas (AC) of the lung and were shown to express common CSC markers such as Prominin-1, CD44-antigen, and Nestin. Further, cells gave rise to spherical cancer organoids. Inhibition of MYC and NF-κB signaling using KJ-Pyr-9, dexamethasone, and pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate resulted in significant reductions in cell survival for SCC- and AC-derived cells. However, inhibition of the protein–protein interaction of MYC/NMYC proto-oncogenes with Myc-associated factor X (MAX) using KJ-Pyr-9 revealed the most promising survival-decreasing effects. Next to the establishment of six novel in vitro models for studying NSCLC-derived CSC-like populations, the presented investigations might provide new insights into potential novel therapies targeting NF-κB/MYC to improve clinical outcomes in NSCLC patients. Nevertheless, the full picture of downstream signaling still remains elusive.
cancer stem cell-like cells; squamous cell carcinoma; adenocarcinoma; NSCLC; MYC; NF-kB
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Windmöller BA, Beshay M, Helweg L, et al. Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling. Cells. 2021;10(5): 1024.
Windmöller, B. A., Beshay, M., Helweg, L., Flottmann, C., Beermann, M., Förster, C., Wilkens, L., et al. (2021). Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling. Cells, 10(5), 1024.
Windmöller, Beatrice Ariane, Beshay, Morris, Helweg, Laureen, Flottmann, Clara, Beermann, Miriam, Förster, Christine, Wilkens, Ludwig, Greiner, Johannes, Kaltschmidt, Christian, and Kaltschmidt, Barbara. 2021. “Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling”. Cells 10 (5): 1024.
Windmöller, B. A., Beshay, M., Helweg, L., Flottmann, C., Beermann, M., Förster, C., Wilkens, L., Greiner, J., Kaltschmidt, C., and Kaltschmidt, B. (2021). Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling. Cells 10:1024.
Windmöller, B.A., et al., 2021. Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling. Cells, 10(5): 1024.
B.A. Windmöller, et al., “Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling”, Cells, vol. 10, 2021, : 1024.
Windmöller, B.A., Beshay, M., Helweg, L., Flottmann, C., Beermann, M., Förster, C., Wilkens, L., Greiner, J., Kaltschmidt, C., Kaltschmidt, B.: Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling. Cells. 10, : 1024 (2021).
Windmöller, Beatrice Ariane, Beshay, Morris, Helweg, Laureen, Flottmann, Clara, Beermann, Miriam, Förster, Christine, Wilkens, Ludwig, Greiner, Johannes, Kaltschmidt, Christian, and Kaltschmidt, Barbara. “Novel Primary Human Cancer Stem-Like Cell Populations from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Inhibition of Cell Survival by Targeting NF-κB and MYC Signaling”. Cells 10.5 (2021): 1024.
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