Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment

Kaasch A (2021)
Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190
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Kaasch A. Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment . Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190. 2021.
Kaasch, A. (2021). Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment . Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190. https://doi.org/10.1177/14680181211008669
Kaasch, Alexandra. 2021. “Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment ”. Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190.
Kaasch, A. (2021). Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment . Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190.
Kaasch, A., 2021. Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment . Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190.
A. Kaasch, “Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment ”, Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190, 2021.
Kaasch, A.: Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment . Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190. (2021).
Kaasch, Alexandra. “Editorial: Advances in regional and Southern social policies: Between the social question and social investment ”. Global Social Policy 21 (2): 186-190 (2021).
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