Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions

Moore M, Trommer S (2021)
Journal of Common Market Studies 59(2): 316-334.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Moore, MadelaineUniBi; Trommer, Silke
Abstract / Bemerkung
This article examines Irish and Portuguese protesters' perceptions of the EU in the decade since the European debt crisis. Building on EU politics, social movement and protest literatures, we ask how domestic protesters in both countries perceive the EU during its age of crisis protest timescape. We find that critical Europeanism, which rejects technocratic and neoliberal Europe and works towards an alternative, social Europe, has travelled beyond austerity/bailout protests into women's rights and housing protests in both countries, although to varying degrees. We suggest that the expansion of critical European perceptions in these traditionally Europhile member states forms part of the social and political legacy of the European debt crisis, but also contributes to the continued Europeanization of the European social movement space. It could have positive impacts on the EU's legitimacy deficit if EU institutions engaged meaningfully with critical European voices.
Journal of Common Market Studies
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Moore M, Trommer S. Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions. Journal of Common Market Studies. 2021;59(2):316-334.
Moore, M., & Trommer, S. (2021). Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(2), 316-334.
Moore, Madelaine, and Trommer, Silke. 2021. “Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions”. Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (2): 316-334.
Moore, M., and Trommer, S. (2021). Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions. Journal of Common Market Studies 59, 316-334.
Moore, M., & Trommer, S., 2021. Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(2), p 316-334.
M. Moore and S. Trommer, “Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions”, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 59, 2021, pp. 316-334.
Moore, M., Trommer, S.: Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions. Journal of Common Market Studies. 59, 316-334 (2021).
Moore, Madelaine, and Trommer, Silke. “Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis: Irish and Portuguese Protesters' EU Perceptions”. Journal of Common Market Studies 59.2 (2021): 316-334.

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