A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion

Sudhoff H, Rajagopal S, Baguley DM, Ebmeyer J, Schmelzer A, Schreiber S, Moffat DA (2008)
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 122(9): 905-911.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Sudhoff, HolgerUniBi ; Rajagopal, S; Baguley, D M; Ebmeyer, J; Schmelzer, A; Schreiber, S; Moffat, D A
Abstract / Bemerkung
#### Objective: There is growing interest in the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the upper aerodigestive tract, and in the middle ear in patients with otitis media with effusion. Some studies have reported detecting H pylori in the middle ear, although reports to the contrary exist. In this study, we critically evaluate the evidence for the theory that H pylori in the middle ear plays a role in otitis media with effusion. #### Material: We undertook a systematic review of all available studies investigating the presence of H pylori in the middle ear of patients with otitis media with effusion. The current literature was critically analysed using the key words and phrases ‘Helicobacter pylori’ ‘otitis media with effusion’, ‘serous otitis media’, ‘glue ear’ and ‘middle ear’. Six original research papers were identified, studying a total of 203 patients and 27 controls; two of these papers were randomised, controlled studies and four were prospective, cohort studies. #### Results: At present, there is poor evidence for the existence of H pylori-associated otitis media with effusion. #### Conclusions: Further research in the field is needed in order to delineate the presence of H pylori and its role in the pathogenesis of otitis media with effusion.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology
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Sudhoff H, Rajagopal S, Baguley DM, et al. A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 2008;122(9):905-911.
Sudhoff, H., Rajagopal, S., Baguley, D. M., Ebmeyer, J., Schmelzer, A., Schreiber, S., & Moffat, D. A. (2008). A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 122(9), 905-911. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022215107000989
Sudhoff, Holger, Rajagopal, S, Baguley, D M, Ebmeyer, J, Schmelzer, A, Schreiber, S, and Moffat, D A. 2008. “A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion”. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 122 (9): 905-911.
Sudhoff, H., Rajagopal, S., Baguley, D. M., Ebmeyer, J., Schmelzer, A., Schreiber, S., and Moffat, D. A. (2008). A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 122, 905-911.
Sudhoff, H., et al., 2008. A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 122(9), p 905-911.
H. Sudhoff, et al., “A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion”, The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, vol. 122, 2008, pp. 905-911.
Sudhoff, H., Rajagopal, S., Baguley, D.M., Ebmeyer, J., Schmelzer, A., Schreiber, S., Moffat, D.A.: A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 122, 905-911 (2008).
Sudhoff, Holger, Rajagopal, S, Baguley, D M, Ebmeyer, J, Schmelzer, A, Schreiber, S, and Moffat, D A. “A critical evaluation of the evidence on a causal relationship between and otitis media with effusion”. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 122.9 (2008): 905-911.

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