The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol

Upile T, Jerjes W, Sandison A, Singh S, Rhys-Evans P, Sudhoff H, Hopper C (2008)
Medical Hypotheses 71(4): 489-492.

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Upile, Tahwinder; Jerjes, Waseem; Sandison, Ann; Singh, Sandeep; Rhys-Evans, Peter; Sudhoff, HolgerUniBi ; Hopper, Colin
Medical Hypotheses
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Upile T, Jerjes W, Sandison A, et al. The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol. Medical Hypotheses. 2008;71(4):489-492.
Upile, T., Jerjes, W., Sandison, A., Singh, S., Rhys-Evans, P., Sudhoff, H., & Hopper, C. (2008). The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol. Medical Hypotheses, 71(4), 489-492.
Upile, Tahwinder, Jerjes, Waseem, Sandison, Ann, Singh, Sandeep, Rhys-Evans, Peter, Sudhoff, Holger, and Hopper, Colin. 2008. “The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol”. Medical Hypotheses 71 (4): 489-492.
Upile, T., Jerjes, W., Sandison, A., Singh, S., Rhys-Evans, P., Sudhoff, H., and Hopper, C. (2008). The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol. Medical Hypotheses 71, 489-492.
Upile, T., et al., 2008. The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol. Medical Hypotheses, 71(4), p 489-492.
T. Upile, et al., “The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol”, Medical Hypotheses, vol. 71, 2008, pp. 489-492.
Upile, T., Jerjes, W., Sandison, A., Singh, S., Rhys-Evans, P., Sudhoff, H., Hopper, C.: The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol. Medical Hypotheses. 71, 489-492 (2008).
Upile, Tahwinder, Jerjes, Waseem, Sandison, Ann, Singh, Sandeep, Rhys-Evans, Peter, Sudhoff, Holger, and Hopper, Colin. “The direct effects of stored blood products may worsen prognosis of cancer patients; shall we transfuse or not? An explanation of the adverse oncological consequences of blood product transfusion with a testable hypothesis driven experimental research protocol”. Medical Hypotheses 71.4 (2008): 489-492.

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