Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study

Wang J, Yu L, He M, Qi C (2020)
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 16(4): 353-362.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wang, Jifu; Yu, LinUniBi ; He, Mengyang; Qi, Changzhu
Abstract / Bemerkung
The present study explored the intrinsic event-related potential (ERP) features of the effects of acute psychological stress on the processing of motion-in-depth perception using a dual-task paradigm. After a mental arithmetic task was used to induce acute psychological stress, a collision task was used to evaluate motion-in-depth perception. The error value and average amplitude of late slow waves (SW) were significantly larger for the earlier colliding spheres' than for the later colliding spheres. The P1 peak latency in the left occipital region was significantly shorter than that of the right occipital region in the motion-in-depth perception task. Compared to the control condition, the estimated value of residual time-to-collision and error value were significantly reduced, and the N1 peak amplitude and the SW averaged amplitude were significantly increased in the stress condition. Longer motion-in-depth time improved discrimination accuracy and decreased the investment of cognitive resources. Acute psychological stress increased behavioral performance and enhanced attention resources on the motion-in-depth perception task together with greater investment of cognitive resources.
event-related potential; acute psychological stress; motion-in-depth; perception; time-to-collision
Advances in Cognitive Psychology
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Wang J, Yu L, He M, Qi C. Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study. Advances in Cognitive Psychology . 2020;16(4):353-362.
Wang, J., Yu, L., He, M., & Qi, C. (2020). Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study. Advances in Cognitive Psychology , 16(4), 353-362. https://doi.org/10.5709/acp-0309-6
Wang, Jifu, Yu, Lin, He, Mengyang, and Qi, Changzhu. 2020. “Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study”. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 16 (4): 353-362.
Wang, J., Yu, L., He, M., and Qi, C. (2020). Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 16, 353-362.
Wang, J., et al., 2020. Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study. Advances in Cognitive Psychology , 16(4), p 353-362.
J. Wang, et al., “Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study”, Advances in Cognitive Psychology , vol. 16, 2020, pp. 353-362.
Wang, J., Yu, L., He, M., Qi, C.: Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study. Advances in Cognitive Psychology . 16, 353-362 (2020).
Wang, Jifu, Yu, Lin, He, Mengyang, and Qi, Changzhu. “Effect of Acute Psychological Stress on Motion-in-Depth Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study”. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 16.4 (2020): 353-362.

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