PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook

Pieper D (2020)
Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Pieper D. PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online.
Pieper, D. (2020). PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3928155
Pieper, Dirk. 2020. “PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook”. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online .
Pieper, D. (2020).“PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook”. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online.
Pieper, D., 2020. PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online.
D. Pieper, “PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook”, Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online, 2020.
Pieper, D.: PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online (2020).
Pieper, Dirk. “PIDs at Bielefeld University: Current State and Outlook”. Presented at the Knowledge Exchange Openness Profile Virtual Workshop , Online, 2020.

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