Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism
Schulte M, Bamberg S, Rees J, Rollin P (2020)
Journal of Environmental Psychology 72: 101525.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schulte, Maxie;
Bamberg, Sebastian;
Rees, JonasUniBi
Rollin, Philipp

Abstract / Bemerkung
This paper proposes social identity as a psychological concept that connects societal and individual aspects of transformation processes. To this end, we embed the social identity concept into the multilevel perspective, a framework frequently used for analysing societal transformation processes. The paper presents three meta-analyses summarizing the empirical evidence for the postulated strong pro-environmental social identity-proenvironmental collective action link. A first meta-analysis (nine samples) finds a pooled correlation of r+ = .63 between pro-environmental social identity and intention to participate in pro-environmental collective action. This finding is replicated in a second meta-analysis, which shows a correlation of r+ = 0.56 (15 samples). The third meta-analysis supports that pro-environmental social identity is a stronger predictor of collective pro-environmental action than of individual pro-environmental private-sphere behavior (r+ = 0.35; eight samples). We discuss implications of these findings for further research and highlight power and ideology as additional transformation-oriented psychological constructs.
Social identity;
Collective pro-environmental behavior;
Multi-level perspective;
Societal transformation processes
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Page URI
Schulte M, Bamberg S, Rees J, Rollin P. Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 2020;72: 101525.
Schulte, M., Bamberg, S., Rees, J., & Rollin, P. (2020). Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72, 101525. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101525
Schulte, Maxie, Bamberg, Sebastian, Rees, Jonas, and Rollin, Philipp. 2020. “Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism”. Journal of Environmental Psychology 72: 101525.
Schulte, M., Bamberg, S., Rees, J., and Rollin, P. (2020). Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism. Journal of Environmental Psychology 72:101525.
Schulte, M., et al., 2020. Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72: 101525.
M. Schulte, et al., “Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 72, 2020, : 101525.
Schulte, M., Bamberg, S., Rees, J., Rollin, P.: Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 72, : 101525 (2020).
Schulte, Maxie, Bamberg, Sebastian, Rees, Jonas, and Rollin, Philipp. “Social identity as a key concept for connecting transformative societal change with individual environmental activism”. Journal of Environmental Psychology 72 (2020): 101525.
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