Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic?

Kor PPK, Leung AYM, Parial LL, Wong EML, Dadaczynski K, Okan O, Amoah PA, Wang SS, Deng R, Cheung TCC, Molassiotis A (2020)
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 53(1): 75-86.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kor, Patrick Pui Kin; Leung, Angela Yee Man; Parial, Laurence Lloyd; Wong, Eliza Mi Ling; Dadaczynski, Kevin; Okan, OrkanUniBi ; Amoah, Padmore Adusei; Wang, Shan Shan; Deng, Renli; Cheung, Teris Cheuk Chi; Molassiotis, Alex
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
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Kor PPK, Leung AYM, Parial LL, et al. Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic? Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2020;53(1):75-86.
Kor, P. P. K., Leung, A. Y. M., Parial, L. L., Wong, E. M. L., Dadaczynski, K., Okan, O., Amoah, P. A., et al. (2020). Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic? Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(1), 75-86. doi:10.1111/jnu.12616
Kor, Patrick Pui Kin, Leung, Angela Yee Man, Parial, Laurence Lloyd, Wong, Eliza Mi Ling, Dadaczynski, Kevin, Okan, Orkan, Amoah, Padmore Adusei, et al. 2020. “Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic?”. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 53 (1): 75-86.
Kor, P. P. K., Leung, A. Y. M., Parial, L. L., Wong, E. M. L., Dadaczynski, K., Okan, O., Amoah, P. A., Wang, S. S., Deng, R., Cheung, T. C. C., et al. (2020). Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic? Journal of Nursing Scholarship 53, 75-86.
Kor, P.P.K., et al., 2020. Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic? Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(1), p 75-86.
P.P.K. Kor, et al., “Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic?”, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, vol. 53, 2020, pp. 75-86.
Kor, P.P.K., Leung, A.Y.M., Parial, L.L., Wong, E.M.L., Dadaczynski, K., Okan, O., Amoah, P.A., Wang, S.S., Deng, R., Cheung, T.C.C., Molassiotis, A.: Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic? Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 53, 75-86 (2020).
Kor, Patrick Pui Kin, Leung, Angela Yee Man, Parial, Laurence Lloyd, Wong, Eliza Mi Ling, Dadaczynski, Kevin, Okan, Orkan, Amoah, Padmore Adusei, Wang, Shan Shan, Deng, Renli, Cheung, Teris Cheuk Chi, and Molassiotis, Alex. “Are People With Chronic Diseases Satisfied With the Online Health Information Related to COVID‐19 During the Pandemic?”. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 53.1 (2020): 75-86.

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