Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions
Montana G, Kaczmarek O, Tolos L, Ramos A (2020)
The European Physical Journal A 56(11): 294.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Montana, Gloria;
Kaczmarek, OlafUniBi
Tolos, Laura;
Ramos, Angels

Abstract / Bemerkung
The open-charm Euclidean correlators have been computed for the first time using the thermal spectral functions extracted from a finite-temperature self-consistent unitarized approach based on a chiral effective field theory that implements heavy-quark spin symmetry. The inclusion of the full-energy dependent open-charm spectral functions in the calculation of the Euclidean correlators leads to a similar behaviour as the one obtained in lattice QCD for temperatures well below the transition deconfinement temperature. The discrepancies at temperatures close or above the transition deconfinement temperature could indicate that higher-energy states, that are not present in the open-charm spectral functions, become relevant for a quantitative description of the lattice QCD correlators at those temperatures. In fact, we find that the inclusion of a continuum of scattering states improves the comparison at small Euclidean times, whereas differences still arise for large times.
The European Physical Journal A
Page URI
Montana G, Kaczmarek O, Tolos L, Ramos A. Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions. The European Physical Journal A . 2020;56(11): 294.
Montana, G., Kaczmarek, O., Tolos, L., & Ramos, A. (2020). Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions. The European Physical Journal A , 56(11), 294. doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-020-00300-y
Montana, Gloria, Kaczmarek, Olaf, Tolos, Laura, and Ramos, Angels. 2020. “Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions”. The European Physical Journal A 56 (11): 294.
Montana, G., Kaczmarek, O., Tolos, L., and Ramos, A. (2020). Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions. The European Physical Journal A 56:294.
Montana, G., et al., 2020. Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions. The European Physical Journal A , 56(11): 294.
G. Montana, et al., “Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions”, The European Physical Journal A , vol. 56, 2020, : 294.
Montana, G., Kaczmarek, O., Tolos, L., Ramos, A.: Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions. The European Physical Journal A . 56, : 294 (2020).
Montana, Gloria, Kaczmarek, Olaf, Tolos, Laura, and Ramos, Angels. “Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions”. The European Physical Journal A 56.11 (2020): 294.
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arXiv: 2007.15690
Inspire: 1809670
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