An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany

Gottlieb ND, Schülle M (2021)
Health policy 125(1).

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Gottlieb, Nora DaliaUniBi ; Schülle, Mirjam
Abstract / Bemerkung
Health policies for asylum-seekers are a subject of debate across European countries. However, information on current strategies to respond to these populations' health needs is scarce. To facilitate comparative research, this paper renders a detailed overview of Germany's asylum-seeker health policies. Following a description of the historic development and administrative structure of asylum-seeker health care in Germany, we provide a detailed account of asylum-seekers' scope of health entitlements, as it is defined by federal law. We explain the main mechanisms that are used to implement the law on local levels and regulate health care access; namely, the electronic health insurance card and the health care voucher. Financing and billing structures are described, and main points of critique of Germany's asylum-seeker health policies are summarized. Our description highlights fragmentation and internal variations as central features of Germany's asylum-seeker health policies. It explicates how these features are rooted in decentralization, and in the regulation of restricted health benefits through a parallel system, separate from statutory health insurance. As a case-study, Germany's asylum-seeker health policies illustrate the administrative, economic and ethical burdens implied in granting health benefits through a parallel system, and in absence of central health governance. The (re)integration of asylum-seeker health care in statutory health insurance could reduce these burdens and contribute to equitable health care access. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Health policy
Page URI


Gottlieb ND, Schülle M. An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany. Health policy . 2021;125(1).
Gottlieb, N. D., & Schülle, M. (2021). An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany. Health policy , 125(1).
Gottlieb, Nora Dalia, and Schülle, Mirjam. 2021. “An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany”. Health policy 125 (1).
Gottlieb, N. D., and Schülle, M. (2021). An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany. Health policy 125.
Gottlieb, N.D., & Schülle, M., 2021. An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany. Health policy , 125(1).
N.D. Gottlieb and M. Schülle, “An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany”, Health policy , vol. 125, 2021.
Gottlieb, N.D., Schülle, M.: An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany. Health policy . 125, (2021).
Gottlieb, Nora Dalia, and Schülle, Mirjam. “An overview of health policies for asylum-seekers in Germany”. Health policy 125.1 (2021).

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