Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene.
Mitzel NW, Schwartzen A, Weddeling J-H, Langosch J, Neumann B, Stammler H-G (2021)
Chemistry - A European Journal 27(5): 1821-1828.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
Tridentate Lewis acids with aligned functions were syn-thesized based on the rigid framework hexadehydrotribenzo[12]annu-lene. The backbone and its fluorinated analogue were synthesised in one-pot syntheses, with alkyne deprotection and Sonogashira cross coupling reaction being carried out in one step. Hydrosilylation of the annulene with chlorohydrosilanes proceeded highly selectively and afforded rigid poly-Lewis acids with three SiCl 3 or SiCl 2 Me substitu-ents perfectly oriented to one side of the molecule in a single step. The progress of hydrosilylation was investigated by time-correlated NMR spectroscopic studies. The crystal structures show that the framework is symme-trically functionalised and the silyl substituents are aligned in one direction. To increase the acidity of the Lewis acids the chlorosilyl substituents were fluorinated with SbF 3 . Further investigation of hydrometallation reactions (M = B, Al, Ga, Sn) did not lead to corresponding structures. © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
Chemistry - A European Journal
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Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Mitzel NW, Schwartzen A, Weddeling J-H, Langosch J, Neumann B, Stammler H-G. Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene. Chemistry - A European Journal . 2021;27(5):1821-1828.
Mitzel, N. W., Schwartzen, A., Weddeling, J. - H., Langosch, J., Neumann, B., & Stammler, H. - G. (2021). Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene. Chemistry - A European Journal , 27(5), 1821-1828. doi:10.1002/chem.202004088
Mitzel, Norbert W., Schwartzen, Anna, Weddeling, Jan-Henrik, Langosch, Jana, Neumann, Beate, and Stammler, Hans-Georg. 2021. “Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene.”. Chemistry - A European Journal 27 (5): 1821-1828.
Mitzel, N. W., Schwartzen, A., Weddeling, J. - H., Langosch, J., Neumann, B., and Stammler, H. - G. (2021). Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene. Chemistry - A European Journal 27, 1821-1828.
Mitzel, N.W., et al., 2021. Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene. Chemistry - A European Journal , 27(5), p 1821-1828.
N.W. Mitzel, et al., “Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene.”, Chemistry - A European Journal , vol. 27, 2021, pp. 1821-1828.
Mitzel, N.W., Schwartzen, A., Weddeling, J.-H., Langosch, J., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G.: Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene. Chemistry - A European Journal . 27, 1821-1828 (2021).
Mitzel, Norbert W., Schwartzen, Anna, Weddeling, Jan-Henrik, Langosch, Jana, Neumann, Beate, and Stammler, Hans-Georg. “Chalice-type tridentate silicon Lewis acids of C3 symmetry in a single step starting from hexadehydrotri-benzo[12]annulene.”. Chemistry - A European Journal 27.5 (2021): 1821-1828.
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