Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research

Ticha M, Illesova P, Hrbackova M, Basheer J, Novak D, Hlavackova K, Samajova O, Niehaus K, Ovecka M, Samaj J (2020)
Critical reviews in biotechnology 40(8): 1265-1280.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ticha, Michaela; Illesova, Petra; Hrbackova, Miroslava; Basheer, Jasim; Novak, Dominik; Hlavackova, Katerina; Samajova, Olga; Niehaus, KarstenUniBi; Ovecka, Miroslav; Samaj, Jozef
Abstract / Bemerkung
Current research needs to be more focused on agronomical plants to effectively utilize the knowledge obtained from model plant species. Efforts to improve legumes have long employed common breeding tools. Recently, biotechnological approaches facilitated the development of improved legumes with new traits, allowing them to withstand climatic changes and biotic stress. Owing to its multiple uses and profits, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) has become a prominent forage crop worldwide. This review provides a comprehensive research summary of tissue culture-based genetic transformation methods, which could be exploited for the development of transgenic alfalfa with agronomically desirable traits. Moreover, advanced bio-imaging approaches, including cutting-edge microscopy and phenotyping, are outlined here. Finally, characterization and the employment of beneficial microbes should help to produce biotechnologically improved and sustainable alfalfa cultivars.
Critical reviews in biotechnology
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Ticha M, Illesova P, Hrbackova M, et al. Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research. Critical reviews in biotechnology. 2020;40(8):1265-1280.
Ticha, M., Illesova, P., Hrbackova, M., Basheer, J., Novak, D., Hlavackova, K., Samajova, O., et al. (2020). Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research. Critical reviews in biotechnology, 40(8), 1265-1280. https://doi.org/10.1080/07388551.2020.1814689
Ticha, Michaela, Illesova, Petra, Hrbackova, Miroslava, Basheer, Jasim, Novak, Dominik, Hlavackova, Katerina, Samajova, Olga, Niehaus, Karsten, Ovecka, Miroslav, and Samaj, Jozef. 2020. “Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research”. Critical reviews in biotechnology 40 (8): 1265-1280.
Ticha, M., Illesova, P., Hrbackova, M., Basheer, J., Novak, D., Hlavackova, K., Samajova, O., Niehaus, K., Ovecka, M., and Samaj, J. (2020). Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research. Critical reviews in biotechnology 40, 1265-1280.
Ticha, M., et al., 2020. Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research. Critical reviews in biotechnology, 40(8), p 1265-1280.
M. Ticha, et al., “Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research”, Critical reviews in biotechnology, vol. 40, 2020, pp. 1265-1280.
Ticha, M., Illesova, P., Hrbackova, M., Basheer, J., Novak, D., Hlavackova, K., Samajova, O., Niehaus, K., Ovecka, M., Samaj, J.: Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research. Critical reviews in biotechnology. 40, 1265-1280 (2020).
Ticha, Michaela, Illesova, Petra, Hrbackova, Miroslava, Basheer, Jasim, Novak, Dominik, Hlavackova, Katerina, Samajova, Olga, Niehaus, Karsten, Ovecka, Miroslav, and Samaj, Jozef. “Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research”. Critical reviews in biotechnology 40.8 (2020): 1265-1280.

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