Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study

Gottlieb ND, Weinstein T, Mink J, Ghebrezghiabher HM, Sultan Z, Reichlin R (2017)
Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 6(1): 61.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Gottlieb, Nora DaliaUniBi ; Weinstein, Tomer; Mink, Jonah; Ghebrezghiabher, Habtom M.; Sultan, Zebib; Reichlin, Rachel
Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
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Gottlieb ND, Weinstein T, Mink J, Ghebrezghiabher HM, Sultan Z, Reichlin R. Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research. 2017;6(1): 61.
Gottlieb, N. D., Weinstein, T., Mink, J., Ghebrezghiabher, H. M., Sultan, Z., & Reichlin, R. (2017). Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 6(1), 61. doi:10.1186/s13584-017-0185-9
Gottlieb, Nora Dalia, Weinstein, Tomer, Mink, Jonah, Ghebrezghiabher, Habtom M., Sultan, Zebib, and Reichlin, Rachel. 2017. “Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study”. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 6 (1): 61.
Gottlieb, N. D., Weinstein, T., Mink, J., Ghebrezghiabher, H. M., Sultan, Z., and Reichlin, R. (2017). Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 6:61.
Gottlieb, N.D., et al., 2017. Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 6(1): 61.
N.D. Gottlieb, et al., “Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study”, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, vol. 6, 2017, : 61.
Gottlieb, N.D., Weinstein, T., Mink, J., Ghebrezghiabher, H.M., Sultan, Z., Reichlin, R.: Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research. 6, : 61 (2017).
Gottlieb, Nora Dalia, Weinstein, Tomer, Mink, Jonah, Ghebrezghiabher, Habtom M., Sultan, Zebib, and Reichlin, Rachel. “Applying a community-based participatory research approach to improve access to healthcare for Eritrean asylum-seekers in Israel. A pilot study”. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 6.1 (2017): 61.

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