Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry
Zhang W, Maldonado P, Jin Z, Seifert TS, Arabski J, Schmerber G, Beaurepaire E, Bonn M, Kampfrath T, Oppeneer PM, Turchinovich D (2020)
Nature communications 11(1): 4247.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Zhang, WentaoUniBi;
Maldonado, Pablo;
Jin, Zuanming;
Seifert, Tom S;
Arabski, Jacek;
Schmerber, Guy;
Beaurepaire, Eric;
Bonn, Mischa;
Kampfrath, Tobias;
Oppeneer, Peter M;
Turchinovich, DmitryUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
A material's magnetic state and its dynamics are of great fundamental research interest and are also at the core of a wide plethora of modern technologies. However, reliable access to magnetization dynamics in materials and devices on the technologically relevant ultrafast timescale, and under realistic device-operation conditions, remains a challenge. Here, we demonstrate a method of ultrafast terahertz (THz) magnetometry, which gives direct access to the (sub-)picosecond magnetization dynamics even in encapsulated materials or devices in a contact-free fashion, in a fully calibrated manner, and under ambient conditions. As a showcase for this powerful method, we measure the ultrafast magnetization dynamics in a laser-excited encapsulated iron film. Our measurements reveal and disentangle distinct contributions originating from (i) incoherent hot-magnon-driven magnetization quenching and (ii) coherent acoustically-driven modulation of the exchange interaction in iron, paving the way to technologies utilizing ultrafast heat-free control of magnetism. High sensitivity and relative ease of experimental arrangement highlight the promise of ultrafast THz magnetometry for both fundamental studies and thetechnological applications of magnetism.
Nature communications
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Zhang W, Maldonado P, Jin Z, et al. Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry. Nature communications. 2020;11(1): 4247.
Zhang, W., Maldonado, P., Jin, Z., Seifert, T. S., Arabski, J., Schmerber, G., Beaurepaire, E., et al. (2020). Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry. Nature communications, 11(1), 4247. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17935-6
Zhang, Wentao, Maldonado, Pablo, Jin, Zuanming, Seifert, Tom S, Arabski, Jacek, Schmerber, Guy, Beaurepaire, Eric, et al. 2020. “Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry”. Nature communications 11 (1): 4247.
Zhang, W., Maldonado, P., Jin, Z., Seifert, T. S., Arabski, J., Schmerber, G., Beaurepaire, E., Bonn, M., Kampfrath, T., Oppeneer, P. M., et al. (2020). Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry. Nature communications 11:4247.
Zhang, W., et al., 2020. Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry. Nature communications, 11(1): 4247.
W. Zhang, et al., “Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry”, Nature communications, vol. 11, 2020, : 4247.
Zhang, W., Maldonado, P., Jin, Z., Seifert, T.S., Arabski, J., Schmerber, G., Beaurepaire, E., Bonn, M., Kampfrath, T., Oppeneer, P.M., Turchinovich, D.: Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry. Nature communications. 11, : 4247 (2020).
Zhang, Wentao, Maldonado, Pablo, Jin, Zuanming, Seifert, Tom S, Arabski, Jacek, Schmerber, Guy, Beaurepaire, Eric, Bonn, Mischa, Kampfrath, Tobias, Oppeneer, Peter M, and Turchinovich, Dmitry. “Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry”. Nature communications 11.1 (2020): 4247.
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