The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany
Hassenteufel P, Schweyer F-X, Gerlinger T, Henkel R, Lückenbach C, Reiter R (2019)
European Policy Analysis 6(1): 38-57.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hassenteufel, Patrick;
Schweyer, François-Xavier;
Gerlinger, ThomasUniBi;
Henkel, RüdigerUniBi;
Lückenbach, CasparUniBi
Reiter, Renate
European Policy Analysis
Page URI
Hassenteufel P, Schweyer F-X, Gerlinger T, Henkel R, Lückenbach C, Reiter R. The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany. European Policy Analysis. 2019;6(1):38-57.
Hassenteufel, P., Schweyer, F. - X., Gerlinger, T., Henkel, R., Lückenbach, C., & Reiter, R. (2019). The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany. European Policy Analysis, 6(1), 38-57.
Hassenteufel, Patrick, Schweyer, François-Xavier, Gerlinger, Thomas, Henkel, Rüdiger, Lückenbach, Caspar, and Reiter, Renate. 2019. “The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany”. European Policy Analysis 6 (1): 38-57.
Hassenteufel, P., Schweyer, F. - X., Gerlinger, T., Henkel, R., Lückenbach, C., and Reiter, R. (2019). The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany. European Policy Analysis 6, 38-57.
Hassenteufel, P., et al., 2019. The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany. European Policy Analysis, 6(1), p 38-57.
P. Hassenteufel, et al., “The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany”, European Policy Analysis, vol. 6, 2019, pp. 38-57.
Hassenteufel, P., Schweyer, F.-X., Gerlinger, T., Henkel, R., Lückenbach, C., Reiter, R.: The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany. European Policy Analysis. 6, 38-57 (2019).
Hassenteufel, Patrick, Schweyer, François-Xavier, Gerlinger, Thomas, Henkel, Rüdiger, Lückenbach, Caspar, and Reiter, Renate. “The role of professional groups in policy change: Physician's organizations and the issue of local medical provision shortages in France and Germany”. European Policy Analysis 6.1 (2019): 38-57.
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