Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities

Bödeker D, Klaus A (2020)
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020(7): 218.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The resonant production of keV sterile-neutrino dark matter mainly takes place during the QCD epoch of the early universe. It has been argued that it could be strongly affected by the opacities (or damping rates) of active neutrinos, which receive non-perturbative QCD-contributions. We find that for lepton asymmetries nL alpha/s below 10(-6) the opacities significantly affect the sterile-neutrino yield, but that for larger asymmetries, which are necessary for producing a significant fraction of the dark matter, the yield is insensitive to changes of the opacities. Thus non-perturbative QCD contributions to the opacities at temperatures around 160 MeV will not affect this dark matter scenario. We obtain larger sterile-neutrino yields than previous studies, and thus weaker lower limits on the active-sterile mixing angle from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.
Cosmology of Theories beyond the SM; Thermal Field Theory
Journal of High Energy Physics
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen von SCOAP$^3$ – Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics gefördert.
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Bödeker D, Klaus A. Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020;2020(7): 218.
Bödeker, D., & Klaus, A. (2020). Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(7), 218.
Bödeker, Dietrich, and Klaus, Alexander. 2020. “Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities”. Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (7): 218.
Bödeker, D., and Klaus, A. (2020). Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities. Journal of High Energy Physics 2020:218.
Bödeker, D., & Klaus, A., 2020. Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(7): 218.
D. Bödeker and A. Klaus, “Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities”, Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2020, 2020, : 218.
Bödeker, D., Klaus, A.: Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, : 218 (2020).
Bödeker, Dietrich, and Klaus, Alexander. “Sterile neutrino dark matter: impact of active-neutrino opacities”. Journal of High Energy Physics 2020.7 (2020): 218.

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