Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri

von der Heyde B, Hallmann A (2020)
Plant journal 103(6): 2301-2317.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 2.58 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) constitute a major group of proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The multicellular green algaVolvox carteriis a suitable model organism in which to study the evolutionary transition to multicellularity, including the basic principles and characteristics of an ECM. InVolvox, the ECM is dominated by a single HRGP family: the pherophorins. Our inventory amounts to 117 pherophorin-related genes inV. carteri. We focused on a pherophorin with an unexpected characteristic: pherophorin-S is a soluble, non-cross-linked ECM protein. Using transformants expressing a YFP-tagged pherophorin-S we observed the synthesis and secretion of pherophorin-S by somatic cellsin vivo, and we then traced the protein during its conspicuous migration to the ECM around prehatching juveniles and its localized concentration there. Our results provide insights into how an ECM zone surrounding the progeny is remotely affected by distantly located parental somatic cells. In view of the properties and migration of pherophorin-S, we conclude that pherophorin-S is likely to act as an ECM plasticizer to allow for dynamic ECM remodeling.
extracellular matrix (ECM); Volvox carteri; pherophorins; sex-inducer; protein; green algae; confocal laser scanning microscopy; multicellularity; Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Plant journal
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
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von der Heyde B, Hallmann A. Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri. Plant journal. 2020;103(6):2301-2317.
von der Heyde, B., & Hallmann, A. (2020). Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri. Plant journal, 103(6), 2301-2317.
von der Heyde, Benjamin, and Hallmann, Armin. 2020. “Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri”. Plant journal 103 (6): 2301-2317.
von der Heyde, B., and Hallmann, A. (2020). Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri. Plant journal 103, 2301-2317.
von der Heyde, B., & Hallmann, A., 2020. Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri. Plant journal, 103(6), p 2301-2317.
B. von der Heyde and A. Hallmann, “Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri”, Plant journal, vol. 103, 2020, pp. 2301-2317.
von der Heyde, B., Hallmann, A.: Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri. Plant journal. 103, 2301-2317 (2020).
von der Heyde, Benjamin, and Hallmann, Armin. “Targeted migration of pherophorin-S indicates extensive extracellular matrix dynamics in Volvox carteri”. Plant journal 103.6 (2020): 2301-2317.
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