Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex.

Schober L, Sako M, Takizawa S, Gröger H, Sasai H (2020)
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England).

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Schober, LukasUniBi; Sako, Makoto; Takizawa, Shinobu; Gröger, HaraldUniBi; Sasai, Hiroaki
Abstract / Bemerkung
An enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction was established for the first time using a chiral vanadium(v) catalyst. The dual Bronsted and Lewis acid properties of the vanadium catalyst afforded 4-hydroxycyclopent-2-enone derivatives in up to 90% yields and with 93:7 enantiomeric ratios, as well as >20:1 diastereomeric ratios.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)
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Schober L, Sako M, Takizawa S, Gröger H, Sasai H. Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England). 2020.
Schober, L., Sako, M., Takizawa, S., Gröger, H., & Sasai, H. (2020). Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England). doi:10.1039/d0cc02621b
Schober, Lukas, Sako, Makoto, Takizawa, Shinobu, Gröger, Harald, and Sasai, Hiroaki. 2020. “Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex.”. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England).
Schober, L., Sako, M., Takizawa, S., Gröger, H., and Sasai, H. (2020). Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England).
Schober, L., et al., 2020. Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England).
L. Schober, et al., “Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex.”, Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020.
Schober, L., Sako, M., Takizawa, S., Gröger, H., Sasai, H.: Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England). (2020).
Schober, Lukas, Sako, Makoto, Takizawa, Shinobu, Gröger, Harald, and Sasai, Hiroaki. “Catalytic and enantioselective oxa-Piancatelli reaction using a chiral vanadium complex.”. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) (2020).

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