On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors

Becker FG (2019)
Application-oriented Higher Education Research 2019(02): 50-55.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Chinesisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Higher education at German universities faces major challenges due to social development(especially the number of students) and poor framework conditions(especially equipment),which endanger the quality of both studying and teaching. This article emphasizes that although a great deal is done to address these challenges,it often happens in the wrong places and/or inadequately. In principle,however,it is difficult to initialize and maintain "good teaching"when research in the international scientific communities is much more lucrative,more career-relevant and more meaningful for the professors and universities alike. Under these incentive situations,it is therefore not surprising that "good teaching"is having a hard time in today’s German higher education system. This contribution presents suggestions for the improvement of the basic conditions
Application-oriented Higher Education Research
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Becker FG. On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors. Application-oriented Higher Education Research. 2019;2019(02):50-55.
Becker, F. G. (2019). On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors. Application-oriented Higher Education Research, 2019(02), 50-55.
Becker, Fred G. 2019. “On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors”. Application-oriented Higher Education Research 2019 (02): 50-55.
Becker, F. G. (2019). On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors. Application-oriented Higher Education Research 2019, 50-55.
Becker, F.G., 2019. On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors. Application-oriented Higher Education Research, 2019(02), p 50-55.
F.G. Becker, “On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors”, Application-oriented Higher Education Research, vol. 2019, 2019, pp. 50-55.
Becker, F.G.: On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors. Application-oriented Higher Education Research. 2019, 50-55 (2019).
Becker, Fred G. “On Motivation and Incentives for "Good Teaching" by Professors”. Application-oriented Higher Education Research 2019.02 (2019): 50-55.

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