Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen

Kopper C (2015)
In: The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy . Moraglio M, Kopper C (Eds); Routledge international studies in business history, 27. New York: Routledge: 106-118.

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Moraglio, Massimo; Kopper, Christopher
The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy
Routledge international studies in business history
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Kopper C. Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen. In: Moraglio M, Kopper C, eds. The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy . Routledge international studies in business history. Vol 27. New York: Routledge; 2015: 106-118.
Kopper, C. (2015). Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen. In M. Moraglio & C. Kopper (Eds.), Routledge international studies in business history: Vol. 27. The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy (pp. 106-118). New York: Routledge.
Kopper, Christopher. 2015. “Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen”. In The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy , ed. Massimo Moraglio and Christopher Kopper, 27:106-118. Routledge international studies in business history. New York: Routledge.
Kopper, C. (2015). “Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen” in The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy , Moraglio, M., and Kopper, C. eds. Routledge international studies in business history, vol. 27, (New York: Routledge), 106-118.
Kopper, C., 2015. Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen. In M. Moraglio & C. Kopper, eds. The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy . Routledge international studies in business history. no.27 New York: Routledge, pp. 106-118.
C. Kopper, “Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen”, The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy , M. Moraglio and C. Kopper, eds., Routledge international studies in business history, vol. 27, New York: Routledge, 2015, pp.106-118.
Kopper, C.: Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen. In: Moraglio, M. and Kopper, C. (eds.) The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy . Routledge international studies in business history. 27, p. 106-118. Routledge, New York (2015).
Kopper, Christopher. “Why the "Los Angelization" of German cities did not happen”. The organization of transport. A history of users, industry, and public policy . Ed. Massimo Moraglio and Christopher Kopper. New York: Routledge, 2015.Vol. 27. Routledge international studies in business history. 106-118.
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The organization of transport. A history of users, industry and public policy
Kopper C, Moraglio M (Eds) (2014) Routledge international studies in business history; 27.
New York: Routledge.

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