CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks.

Parise MTD, Parise D, Kato RB, Pauling JK, Tauch A, Azevedo VA de C, Baumbach J (2020)
Scientific data 7(1): 142.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Parise, Mariana Teixeira Dornelles; Parise, Doglas; Kato, Rodrigo Bentes; Pauling, Josch Konstantin; Tauch, AndreasUniBi; Azevedo, Vasco Ariston de Carvalho; Baumbach, Jan
Abstract / Bemerkung
We present the newest version of CoryneRegNet, the reference database for corynebacterial regulatory interactions, available at The exponential growth of next-generation sequencing data in recent years has allowed a better understanding of bacterial molecular mechanisms. Transcriptional regulation is one of the most important mechanisms for bacterial adaptation and survival. These mechanisms may be understood via an organism's network of regulatory interactions. Although the Corynebacterium genus is important in medical, veterinary and biotechnological research, little is known concerning the transcriptional regulation of these bacteria. Here, we unravel transcriptional regulatory networks (TRNs) for 224 corynebacterial strains by utilizing genome-scale transfer of TRNs from four model organisms and assigning statistical significance values to all predicted regulations. As a result, the number of corynebacterial strains with TRNs increased twenty times and the back-end and front-end were reimplemented to support new features as well as future database growth. CoryneRegNet 7 is the largest TRN database forthe Corynebacterium genus and aids in elucidating transcriptional mechanisms enabling adaptation, survival and infection.
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Parise MTD, Parise D, Kato RB, et al. CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks. Scientific data. 2020;7(1): 142.
Parise, M. T. D., Parise, D., Kato, R. B., Pauling, J. K., Tauch, A., Azevedo, V. A. de C., & Baumbach, J. (2020). CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks. Scientific data, 7(1), 142. doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0484-9
Parise, Mariana Teixeira Dornelles, Parise, Doglas, Kato, Rodrigo Bentes, Pauling, Josch Konstantin, Tauch, Andreas, Azevedo, Vasco Ariston de Carvalho, and Baumbach, Jan. 2020. “CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks.”. Scientific data 7 (1): 142.
Parise, M. T. D., Parise, D., Kato, R. B., Pauling, J. K., Tauch, A., Azevedo, V. A. de C., and Baumbach, J. (2020). CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks. Scientific data 7:142.
Parise, M.T.D., et al., 2020. CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks. Scientific data, 7(1): 142.
M.T.D. Parise, et al., “CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks.”, Scientific data, vol. 7, 2020, : 142.
Parise, M.T.D., Parise, D., Kato, R.B., Pauling, J.K., Tauch, A., Azevedo, V.A. de C., Baumbach, J.: CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks. Scientific data. 7, : 142 (2020).
Parise, Mariana Teixeira Dornelles, Parise, Doglas, Kato, Rodrigo Bentes, Pauling, Josch Konstantin, Tauch, Andreas, Azevedo, Vasco Ariston de Carvalho, and Baumbach, Jan. “CoryneRegNet 7, the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks.”. Scientific data 7.1 (2020): 142.

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