A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers

Wicker P, Hallmann K (2013)
European Sport Management Quarterly 13(1): 110-139.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wicker, PamelaUniBi; Hallmann, Kristin
Abstract / Bemerkung
Previous research has extensively investigated the drivers of the decision to volunteer on an individual level. As volunteering usually occurs within an institutional context (e.g., sport club and sport event), the characteristics of the institution must also be considered; however, they have been largely neglected in previous research. A review of the literature on both levels reveals both theoretical and methodological shortcomings which this paper attempts to address. The individual and institutional perspectives are combined resulting in a multi-level framework for the investigation of the drivers of volunteer engagement. Drawing on the heterodox approach and the concept of organizational capacity, the framework consists of an individual and an institutional level. Suggestions for indicators and statistical modeling (multi-level analysis) are provided. The suggested multi-level framework and the multi-level analysis can open new perspectives for research on volunteers in sport.
volunteers; sport club; sport event; heterodox approach; organizational capacity; multi-level analysis; holistic modeling
European Sport Management Quarterly
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Wicker P, Hallmann K. A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers. European Sport Management Quarterly . 2013;13(1):110-139.
Wicker, P., & Hallmann, K. (2013). A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers. European Sport Management Quarterly , 13(1), 110-139. doi:10.1080/16184742.2012.744768
Wicker, Pamela, and Hallmann, Kristin. 2013. “A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers”. European Sport Management Quarterly 13 (1): 110-139.
Wicker, P., and Hallmann, K. (2013). A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers. European Sport Management Quarterly 13, 110-139.
Wicker, P., & Hallmann, K., 2013. A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers. European Sport Management Quarterly , 13(1), p 110-139.
P. Wicker and K. Hallmann, “A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers”, European Sport Management Quarterly , vol. 13, 2013, pp. 110-139.
Wicker, P., Hallmann, K.: A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers. European Sport Management Quarterly . 13, 110-139 (2013).
Wicker, Pamela, and Hallmann, Kristin. “A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers”. European Sport Management Quarterly 13.1 (2013): 110-139.

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