Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research

Jahn R, Müller O, Nöst S, Bozorgmehr K (2020)
Globalization and Health 16(1): 22.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Jahn, Rosa; Müller, Olaf; Nöst, Stefan; Bozorgmehr, KayvanUniBi
Public Health; Environmental and Occupational Health; Health Policy
Globalization and Health
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Jahn R, Müller O, Nöst S, Bozorgmehr K. Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research. Globalization and Health. 2020;16(1): 22.
Jahn, R., Müller, O., Nöst, S., & Bozorgmehr, K. (2020). Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research. Globalization and Health, 16(1), 22. doi:10.1186/s12992-020-00552-9
Jahn, Rosa, Müller, Olaf, Nöst, Stefan, and Bozorgmehr, Kayvan. 2020. “Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research”. Globalization and Health 16 (1): 22.
Jahn, R., Müller, O., Nöst, S., and Bozorgmehr, K. (2020). Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research. Globalization and Health 16:22.
Jahn, R., et al., 2020. Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research. Globalization and Health, 16(1): 22.
R. Jahn, et al., “Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research”, Globalization and Health, vol. 16, 2020, : 22.
Jahn, R., Müller, O., Nöst, S., Bozorgmehr, K.: Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research. Globalization and Health. 16, : 22 (2020).
Jahn, Rosa, Müller, Olaf, Nöst, Stefan, and Bozorgmehr, Kayvan. “Public-private knowledge transfer and access to medicines: a systematic review and qualitative study of perceptions and roles of scientists involved in HPV vaccine research”. Globalization and Health 16.1 (2020): 22.

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