Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species

Goßmann T, Song B-H, Windsor AJ, Mitchell-Olds T, Dixon CJ, Kapralov MV, Filatov DA, Eyre-Walker A (2010)
Molecular Biology and Evolution 27(8): 1822-1832.

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Goßmann, ToniUniBi ; Song, B.-H.; Windsor, A. J.; Mitchell-Olds, T.; Dixon, C. J.; Kapralov, M. V.; Filatov, D. A.; Eyre-Walker, A.
Molecular Biology and Evolution
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Goßmann T, Song B-H, Windsor AJ, et al. Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2010;27(8):1822-1832.
Goßmann, T., Song, B. - H., Windsor, A. J., Mitchell-Olds, T., Dixon, C. J., Kapralov, M. V., Filatov, D. A., et al. (2010). Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27(8), 1822-1832. doi:10.1093/molbev/msq079
Goßmann, Toni, Song, B.-H., Windsor, A. J., Mitchell-Olds, T., Dixon, C. J., Kapralov, M. V., Filatov, D. A., and Eyre-Walker, A. 2010. “Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27 (8): 1822-1832.
Goßmann, T., Song, B. - H., Windsor, A. J., Mitchell-Olds, T., Dixon, C. J., Kapralov, M. V., Filatov, D. A., and Eyre-Walker, A. (2010). Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27, 1822-1832.
Goßmann, T., et al., 2010. Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27(8), p 1822-1832.
T. Goßmann, et al., “Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species”, Molecular Biology and Evolution, vol. 27, 2010, pp. 1822-1832.
Goßmann, T., Song, B.-H., Windsor, A.J., Mitchell-Olds, T., Dixon, C.J., Kapralov, M.V., Filatov, D.A., Eyre-Walker, A.: Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27, 1822-1832 (2010).
Goßmann, Toni, Song, B.-H., Windsor, A. J., Mitchell-Olds, T., Dixon, C. J., Kapralov, M. V., Filatov, D. A., and Eyre-Walker, A. “Genome Wide Analyses Reveal Little Evidence for Adaptive Evolution in Many Plant Species”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27.8 (2010): 1822-1832.

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