A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity

Zhao L, Goßmann T, Waxman D (2016)
Journal of Theoretical Biology 393: 218-228.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Zhao, Lei; Goßmann, ToniUniBi ; Waxman, David
Journal of Theoretical Biology
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Zhao L, Goßmann T, Waxman D. A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2016;393:218-228.
Zhao, L., Goßmann, T., & Waxman, D. (2016). A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 393, 218-228. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.01.002
Zhao, Lei, Goßmann, Toni, and Waxman, David. 2016. “A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity”. Journal of Theoretical Biology 393: 218-228.
Zhao, L., Goßmann, T., and Waxman, D. (2016). A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 393, 218-228.
Zhao, L., Goßmann, T., & Waxman, D., 2016. A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 393, p 218-228.
L. Zhao, T. Goßmann, and D. Waxman, “A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 393, 2016, pp. 218-228.
Zhao, L., Goßmann, T., Waxman, D.: A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 393, 218-228 (2016).
Zhao, Lei, Goßmann, Toni, and Waxman, David. “A modified Wright–Fisher model that incorporates N e : A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity”. Journal of Theoretical Biology 393 (2016): 218-228.

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