Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block

Mao Y, Gabel A, Nakel T, Viehöver P, Baum T, Tekleyohans DG, Vo D, Grosse I, Groß-Hardt R (2020)
eLife 9: e52976.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Mao, Yanbo; Gabel, Alexander; Nakel, Thomas; Viehöver, PriscaUniBi; Baum, Thomas; Tekleyohans, Dawit Girma; Vo, Dieu; Grosse, Ivo; Groß-Hardt, Rita
Abstract / Bemerkung
Polyploidization, the increase in genome copies, is considered a major driving force for speciation. We have recently provided the first direct in planta evidence for polyspermy induced polyploidization. Capitalizing on a novel sco1-based polyspermy assay, we here show that polyspermy can selectively polyploidize the egg cell, while rendering the genome size of the ploidy-sensitive central cell unaffected. This unprecedented result indicates that polyspermy can bypass the triploid block, which is an established postzygotic polyploidization barrier. In fact, we here show that most polyspermy-derived seeds are insensitive to the triploid block suppressor admetos. The robustness of polyspermy-derived plants is evidenced by the first transcript profiling of triparental plants and our observation that these idiosyncratic organisms segregate tetraploid offspring within a single generation. Polyspermy-derived triparental plants are thus comparable to triploids recovered from interploidy crosses. Our results expand current polyploidization concepts and have important implications for plant breeding.
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Mao Y, Gabel A, Nakel T, et al. Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block. eLife. 2020;9: e52976.
Mao, Y., Gabel, A., Nakel, T., Viehöver, P., Baum, T., Tekleyohans, D. G., Vo, D., et al. (2020). Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block. eLife, 9, e52976. doi:10.7554/elife.52976
Mao, Yanbo, Gabel, Alexander, Nakel, Thomas, Viehöver, Prisca, Baum, Thomas, Tekleyohans, Dawit Girma, Vo, Dieu, Grosse, Ivo, and Groß-Hardt, Rita. 2020. “Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block”. eLife 9: e52976.
Mao, Y., Gabel, A., Nakel, T., Viehöver, P., Baum, T., Tekleyohans, D. G., Vo, D., Grosse, I., and Groß-Hardt, R. (2020). Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block. eLife 9:e52976.
Mao, Y., et al., 2020. Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block. eLife, 9: e52976.
Y. Mao, et al., “Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block”, eLife, vol. 9, 2020, : e52976.
Mao, Y., Gabel, A., Nakel, T., Viehöver, P., Baum, T., Tekleyohans, D.G., Vo, D., Grosse, I., Groß-Hardt, R.: Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block. eLife. 9, : e52976. (2020).
Mao, Yanbo, Gabel, Alexander, Nakel, Thomas, Viehöver, Prisca, Baum, Thomas, Tekleyohans, Dawit Girma, Vo, Dieu, Grosse, Ivo, and Groß-Hardt, Rita. “Selective egg cell polyspermy bypasses the triploid block”. eLife 9 (2020): e52976.

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