Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions
Giacalone G, Mazeliauskas A, Schlichting S (2019)
Physical Review Letters 123(26): 262301.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Giacalone, Giuliano;
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas;
Schlichting, SörenUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
We exploit the concept of hydrodynamic attractors to establish a general
relation between the initial state energy and the produced particle
multiplicities in high-energy nuclear collisions. When combined with an ab
initio model of energy deposition, the entropy production during the
pre-equilibrium phase naturally explains the universal centrality dependence of
the measured charged particle yields in nucleus-nucleus collisions. We further
estimate the energy density of the far-from-equilibrium initial state and
discuss how our results can be used to constrain non-equilibrium properties of
the quark-gluon plasma.
Physical Review Letters
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen von SCOAP$^3$ – Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics gefördert.
Page URI
Giacalone G, Mazeliauskas A, Schlichting S. Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions. Physical Review Letters. 2019;123(26): 262301.
Giacalone, G., Mazeliauskas, A., & Schlichting, S. (2019). Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions. Physical Review Letters, 123(26), 262301. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.262301
Giacalone, Giuliano, Mazeliauskas, Aleksas, and Schlichting, Sören. 2019. “Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions”. Physical Review Letters 123 (26): 262301.
Giacalone, G., Mazeliauskas, A., and Schlichting, S. (2019). Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions. Physical Review Letters 123:262301.
Giacalone, G., Mazeliauskas, A., & Schlichting, S., 2019. Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions. Physical Review Letters, 123(26): 262301.
G. Giacalone, A. Mazeliauskas, and S. Schlichting, “Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 123, 2019, : 262301.
Giacalone, G., Mazeliauskas, A., Schlichting, S.: Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions. Physical Review Letters. 123, : 262301 (2019).
Giacalone, Giuliano, Mazeliauskas, Aleksas, and Schlichting, Sören. “Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions”. Physical Review Letters 123.26 (2019): 262301.
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Data for "Hydrodynamic attractors, initial state energy and particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions"
Schlichting S, Giacalone G, Mazeliauskas A (2020)
Bielefeld University.
Schlichting S, Giacalone G, Mazeliauskas A (2020)
Bielefeld University.
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Web of Science
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PMID: 31951454
PubMed | Europe PMC
arXiv: 1908.02866
Inspire: 1748574
SCOAP3: 51720
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