Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany

Rees YPM, Rees J, Hellmann J, Zick A (2019)
Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna.

Konferenzbeitrag | Englisch
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EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication
2019-06-26 – 2019-06-28
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Rees YPM, Rees J, Hellmann J, Zick A. Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna.
Rees, Y. P. M., Rees, J., Hellmann, J., & Zick, A. (2019). Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna.
Rees, Yann Paul Mattis, Rees, Jonas, Hellmann, Jens, and Zick, Andreas. 2019. “Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany”. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna .
Rees, Y. P. M., Rees, J., Hellmann, J., and Zick, A. (2019).“Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany”. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna.
Rees, Y.P.M., et al., 2019. Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna.
Y.P.M. Rees, et al., “Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany”, Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna, 2019.
Rees, Y.P.M., Rees, J., Hellmann, J., Zick, A.: Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna (2019).
Rees, Yann Paul Mattis, Rees, Jonas, Hellmann, Jens, and Zick, Andreas. “Climate of Hate: Similar correlates of right-wing electoral success and hate crimes in Germany”. Presented at the EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna, 2019.

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