Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers.

Chakrabarty A, Schielzeth H (2019)
Heredity 124(2): 367-382.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Chakrabarty, Anasuya; Schielzeth, HolgerUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Evolutionary change is the change in trait values across generations, and usually occurs in multidimensional trait space rather than along isolated traits. Genetic covariation influences the magnitude and direction of evolutionary change and can be statistically summarized by the additive genetic (co)variance matrix, G. While G can affect the response to selection, it is exposed to evolutionary change by selection and genetic drift, but the magnitude and speed of these changes are poorly understood. We use comparative G matrix analyses to assess evolution of the shape and orientation of G over longer timescales in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers. We estimate 10*10 G matrices for five morphological traits expressed in both sexes. We find low-to-moderate heritabilities (average 0.36), mostly large cross-sex correlations (average 0.54) and moderate between-trait correlations (average 0.34). G matrices differ significantly among species with wing length contributing most to these differences. Wing length is the trait that is most divergent among species, suggesting it has been under selection during species divergence. The more distantly related species, Pseudochorthippus parallelus, was the most different in the shape of G. Projection of contemporary genetic variation into the divergence space D illustrates that the major axis of genetic variation in Gomphocerippus rufus is aligned with divergence from Chorthippus biguttulus, while the major axis of genetic variation in neither of the species is aligned with the divergence between Pseudochorthippus parallelus and the other two species. Our results demonstrate significant differences in G matrices with a phylogenetic signal in the differentiation.
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Chakrabarty A, Schielzeth H. Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers. Heredity. 2019;124(2):367-382.
Chakrabarty, A., & Schielzeth, H. (2019). Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers. Heredity, 124(2), 367-382. doi:10.1038/s41437-019-0276-1
Chakrabarty, Anasuya, and Schielzeth, Holger. 2019. “Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers.”. Heredity 124 (2): 367-382.
Chakrabarty, A., and Schielzeth, H. (2019). Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers. Heredity 124, 367-382.
Chakrabarty, A., & Schielzeth, H., 2019. Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers. Heredity, 124(2), p 367-382.
A. Chakrabarty and H. Schielzeth, “Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers.”, Heredity, vol. 124, 2019, pp. 367-382.
Chakrabarty, A., Schielzeth, H.: Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers. Heredity. 124, 367-382 (2019).
Chakrabarty, Anasuya, and Schielzeth, Holger. “Comparative analysis of the multivariate genetic architecture of morphological traits in three species of Gomphocerine grasshoppers.”. Heredity 124.2 (2019): 367-382.

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