Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda

Ssenyonga J, Magoba Muwonge C, Hecker T (2019)
Child Abuse & Neglect 98: 104194.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ssenyonga, Joseph; Magoba Muwonge, Charles; Hecker, TobiasUniBi
Child Abuse & Neglect
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Ssenyonga J, Magoba Muwonge C, Hecker T. Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2019;98: 104194.
Ssenyonga, J., Magoba Muwonge, C., & Hecker, T. (2019). Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda. Child Abuse & Neglect, 98, 104194. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104194
Ssenyonga, Joseph, Magoba Muwonge, Charles, and Hecker, Tobias. 2019. “Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda”. Child Abuse & Neglect 98: 104194.
Ssenyonga, J., Magoba Muwonge, C., and Hecker, T. (2019). Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda. Child Abuse & Neglect 98:104194.
Ssenyonga, J., Magoba Muwonge, C., & Hecker, T., 2019. Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda. Child Abuse & Neglect, 98: 104194.
J. Ssenyonga, C. Magoba Muwonge, and T. Hecker, “Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda”, Child Abuse & Neglect, vol. 98, 2019, : 104194.
Ssenyonga, J., Magoba Muwonge, C., Hecker, T.: Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda. Child Abuse & Neglect. 98, : 104194 (2019).
Ssenyonga, Joseph, Magoba Muwonge, Charles, and Hecker, Tobias. “Prevalence of family violence and mental health and their relation to peer victimization: A representative study of adolescent students in Southwestern Uganda”. Child Abuse & Neglect 98 (2019): 104194.

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