The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League

Deutscher C, Schneemann S (2017)
In: Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey. Frick B (Ed); Management and Policy, 16. Cham: Springer: 151-175.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Frick, Bernd
Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey
Management and Policy
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Deutscher C, Schneemann S. The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League. In: Frick B, ed. Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey. Management and Policy. Vol 16. Cham: Springer; 2017: 151-175.
Deutscher, C., & Schneemann, S. (2017). The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League. In B. Frick (Ed.), Management and Policy: Vol. 16. Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey (pp. 151-175). Cham: Springer.
Deutscher, Christian, and Schneemann, Sandra. 2017. “The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League”. In Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey, ed. Bernd Frick, 16:151-175. Management and Policy. Cham: Springer.
Deutscher, C., and Schneemann, S. (2017). “The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League” in Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey, Frick, B. ed. Management and Policy, vol. 16, (Cham: Springer), 151-175.
Deutscher, C., & Schneemann, S., 2017. The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League. In B. Frick, ed. Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey. Management and Policy. no.16 Cham: Springer, pp. 151-175.
C. Deutscher and S. Schneemann, “The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League”, Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey, B. Frick, ed., Management and Policy, vol. 16, Cham: Springer, 2017, pp.151-175.
Deutscher, C., Schneemann, S.: The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League. In: Frick, B. (ed.) Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey. Management and Policy. 16, p. 151-175. Springer, Cham (2017).
Deutscher, Christian, and Schneemann, Sandra. “The Effect of ‘Superstars’ on Attendance: NHL-Players in the German and Czech Hockey League”. Breaking the Ice. The Economics of Hockey. Ed. Bernd Frick. Cham: Springer, 2017.Vol. 16. Management and Policy. 151-175.

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