Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles.
Wittleder S, Kappes A, Krott N, Jay M, Oettingen G (2019)
Motivation Science.
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Wittleder, Sandra;
Kappes, Andreas;
Krott, NoraUniBi
Jay, Melanie;
Oettingen, Gabriele
Abstract / Bemerkung
Mentally contrasting a desired future with the obstacle of current reality produces expectancy-dependent changes in explicit evaluations of the obstacle of current reality. Past research has shown that these changes at least partly mediate the beneficial effects of mental contrasting
on performance. We tested whether mental contrasting also leads to expectancy-dependent changes in implicit evaluations of the obstacle and whether those changes mediate mental contrasting effects on energization and performance. In three studies, participants named a desired future (improving interpersonal relationships, Study 1; excelling in a creativity test, Study 2; and improving one’s eating habits, Study 3) and named an important obstacle standing in the way of attaining the desired future. They then engaged in either mental contrasting or control exercises. We assessed participants’ implicit evaluations of their obstacles. Participants in the mental contrasting (vs. control) conditions implicitly evaluated their obstacles more negatively when they had high expectations of success (Studies 1, 2, and 3). Further, expectancy-dependent changes in implicit evaluations of obstacles (i.e., food temptations) mediated mental contrasting effects on energization, which, in turn, predicted commitment and performance (i.e., commitment to eat healthily and healthy eating over the course of two weeks, Study 3).
Motivation Science
Page URI
Wittleder S, Kappes A, Krott N, Jay M, Oettingen G. Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles. Motivation Science. 2019.
Wittleder, S., Kappes, A., Krott, N., Jay, M., & Oettingen, G. (2019). Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles. Motivation Science. doi:10.1037/mot0000140
Wittleder, Sandra, Kappes, Andreas, Krott, Nora, Jay, Melanie, and Oettingen, Gabriele. 2019. “Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles.”. Motivation Science.
Wittleder, S., Kappes, A., Krott, N., Jay, M., and Oettingen, G. (2019). Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles. Motivation Science.
Wittleder, S., et al., 2019. Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles. Motivation Science.
S. Wittleder, et al., “Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles.”, Motivation Science, 2019.
Wittleder, S., Kappes, A., Krott, N., Jay, M., Oettingen, G.: Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles. Motivation Science. (2019).
Wittleder, Sandra, Kappes, Andreas, Krott, Nora, Jay, Melanie, and Oettingen, Gabriele. “Mental contrasting spurs energy by changing implicit evaluations of obstacles.”. Motivation Science (2019).
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