Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation
Hötte K (2019) Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management; 08-2019.
Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
Purpose of this paper is the self-contained description of the green technology
extension of the macroeconomic agent-based model Eurace@unibi. The
original model is extended in mainly five dimensions: (1) There are two types
of production technology, i.e. a green and a conventional. Technology is
embodied in capital goods and in the technological capabilities of firms. (2)
Employees are endowed with two types of evolving technology-specific skills
that are needed to work effectively with specific capital goods. (3) Based on
their technological capabilities and the market environment, consumption
goods (CG) firms decide whether to invest in green or conventional capital.
(4) An environmental accounting keeps track of the environmental impact of
CG sector. (5) A policy module allows to investigate the impact of different
diffusion policies. Main research areas covered by the model extension are
directed technological change, innovation diffusion and technology substitution
processes. A key feature of the model is endogenous, technology-specific
absorptive capacity of heterogeneous technology adopters that evolves through
learning. It is a comprehensive, macroeconomic model that allows to study
the macroeconomic and distributional consequences of transition processes.
The technical description of the model is complemented by a short summary
and discussion of technology transition dynamics in a baseline simulation.
Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management
Page URI
Hötte K. Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation. Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management. Vol 08-2019. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics; 2019.
Hötte, K. (2019). Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation (Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management, 08-2019). Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics. doi:10.4119/unibi/2935928
Hötte, Kerstin. 2019. Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation. Vol. 08-2019. Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
Hötte, K. (2019). Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation. Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management, 08-2019, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
Hötte, K., 2019. Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation, Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management, no.08-2019, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
K. Hötte, Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation, Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management, vol. 08-2019, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, 2019.
Hötte, K.: Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation. Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management, 08-2019. Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Bielefeld (2019).
Hötte, Kerstin. Eurace@unibi-eco: A model of technology transitions. V1.1. Model documentation. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, 2019. Universität Bielefeld Working Papers in Economics and Management. 08-2019.
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Material in PUB:
Data publication for final paper: How to accelerate green technology diffusion? (Energy Economics)
Hötte K (2019)
Bielefeld University.
Hötte K (2019)
Bielefeld University.
Spätere Version
Data publication for: Skill transferability and the adoption of new technology
Hötte K (2019)
Bielefeld University.
Hötte K (2019)
Bielefeld University.
Wird zitiert von
How to accelerate green technology diffusion? Directed technological change in the presence of coevolving absorptive capacity
Hötte K (2019)
Energy Economics 85: 104565.
Hötte K (2019)
Energy Economics 85: 104565.
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Skill transferability and the stability of transition pathways- A learning-based explanation for patterns of diffusion
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Journal of Evolutionary Economics 31: 959–993.
Hötte K (2021)
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 31: 959–993.