Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues

Ehlman S, Trimmer P, Sih A (2019)
AMERICAN NATURALIST 193(4): 575-587.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ehlman, S.; Trimmer, PeteUniBi; Sih, Andrew
Abstract / Bemerkung
Exotic predators can have major negative impacts on prey. Importantly, prey vary considerably in their behavioral responses to exotic predators. Factors proposed to explain variation in prey response to exotic predators include the similarity of new predators to familiar, native predators, the prevalence and diversity of predators in a prey's past, and variation in a prey's innate ability to discriminate between predators and safety. While these factors have been put forth verbally in the literature, no theory exists that combines these hypotheses in a common conceptual framework using a unified behavioral model. Here, we formalize existing verbal arguments by modeling variation in prey responses to new predators in a state-dependent detection theory framework. We find that while some conventional wisdom is upheld, novel predictions emerge. As expected, prey respond poorly to exotic predators that do not closely resemble familiar predators. Furthermore, a history with more abundant or diverse native predators can lessen effects of some exotic predators on prey; however, under some conditions, the opposite prediction emerges. Also, prey that evolved in situations where they easily discriminate between safe and dangerous situations can be more susceptible to novel predators.
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Ehlman S, Trimmer P, Sih A. Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues. AMERICAN NATURALIST. 2019;193(4):575-587.
Ehlman, S., Trimmer, P., & Sih, A. (2019). Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues. AMERICAN NATURALIST, 193(4), 575-587. doi:10.1086/702252
Ehlman, S., Trimmer, Pete, and Sih, Andrew. 2019. “Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues”. AMERICAN NATURALIST 193 (4): 575-587.
Ehlman, S., Trimmer, P., and Sih, A. (2019). Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues. AMERICAN NATURALIST 193, 575-587.
Ehlman, S., Trimmer, P., & Sih, A., 2019. Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues. AMERICAN NATURALIST, 193(4), p 575-587.
S. Ehlman, P. Trimmer, and A. Sih, “Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues”, AMERICAN NATURALIST, vol. 193, 2019, pp. 575-587.
Ehlman, S., Trimmer, P., Sih, A.: Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues. AMERICAN NATURALIST. 193, 575-587 (2019).
Ehlman, S., Trimmer, Pete, and Sih, Andrew. “Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues”. AMERICAN NATURALIST 193.4 (2019): 575-587.

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