Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport”

Höner O, Hunt A, Pauletto S, Röber N, Hermann T, Effenberg AO (2011)
In: The Sonification Handbook. Hermann T, Hunt A, Neuhoff JG (Eds); Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House: 525-553.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Höner, Oliver; Hunt, Andy; Pauletto, Sandra; Röber, Niklas; Hermann, ThomasUniBi ; Effenberg, Alfred O.
Hermann, Thomas; Hunt, Andy; Neuhoff, John G.
Abstract / Bemerkung
This chapter deals with several applications of sonification in the field of sport and movement sciences. A selection of authors from various sciences (e.g., Electronics, Music, Technology and Sport Science) illustrate a wide scope of multidisciplinary applications in aiding human movement using interactive sound. These applications can be allocated to the comprehensive field of “Exercise, Play and Sport” i.e., physical activity in its widest meaning.
The Sonification Handbook
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Höner O, Hunt A, Pauletto S, Röber N, Hermann T, Effenberg AO. Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport”. In: Hermann T, Hunt A, Neuhoff JG, eds. The Sonification Handbook. Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House; 2011: 525-553.
Höner, O., Hunt, A., Pauletto, S., Röber, N., Hermann, T., & Effenberg, A. O. (2011). Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport”. In T. Hermann, A. Hunt, & J. G. Neuhoff (Eds.), The Sonification Handbook (pp. 525-553). Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House.
Höner, Oliver, Hunt, Andy, Pauletto, Sandra, Röber, Niklas, Hermann, Thomas, and Effenberg, Alfred O. 2011. “Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport””. In The Sonification Handbook, ed. Thomas Hermann, Andy Hunt, and John G. Neuhoff, 525-553. Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House.
Höner, O., Hunt, A., Pauletto, S., Röber, N., Hermann, T., and Effenberg, A. O. (2011). “Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport”” in The Sonification Handbook, Hermann, T., Hunt, A., and Neuhoff, J. G. eds. (Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House), 525-553.
Höner, O., et al., 2011. Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport”. In T. Hermann, A. Hunt, & J. G. Neuhoff, eds. The Sonification Handbook. Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House, pp. 525-553.
O. Höner, et al., “Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport””, The Sonification Handbook, T. Hermann, A. Hunt, and J.G. Neuhoff, eds., Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House, 2011, pp.525-553.
Höner, O., Hunt, A., Pauletto, S., Röber, N., Hermann, T., Effenberg, A.O.: Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport”. In: Hermann, T., Hunt, A., and Neuhoff, J.G. (eds.) The Sonification Handbook. p. 525-553. Logos Publishing House, Berlin, Germany (2011).
Höner, Oliver, Hunt, Andy, Pauletto, Sandra, Röber, Niklas, Hermann, Thomas, and Effenberg, Alfred O. “Aiding Movement with Sonification in “Exercise, Play and Sport””. The Sonification Handbook. Ed. Thomas Hermann, Andy Hunt, and John G. Neuhoff. Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House, 2011. 525-553.

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The Sonification Handbook
Hermann T, Hunt A, Neuhoff JG (Eds) (2011) , 1st ed.
Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing House.

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