Queer Writing
Krass A, Wolf AB (2017)
In: The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin. Webber AJ (Ed); Cambridge companions to literature . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 185-205.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Krass, Andreas;
Wolf, Aaron BenediktUniBi 

Webber, Andrew J.
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin
Cambridge companions to literature
185 - 205
Page URI
Krass A, Wolf AB. Queer Writing. In: Webber AJ, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin. Cambridge companions to literature . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2017: 185-205.
Krass, A., & Wolf, A. B. (2017). Queer Writing. In A. J. Webber (Ed.), Cambridge companions to literature . The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin (pp. 185-205). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781107449466.012
Krass, Andreas, and Wolf, Aaron Benedikt. 2017. “Queer Writing”. In The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin, ed. Andrew J. Webber, 185-205. Cambridge companions to literature . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Krass, A., and Wolf, A. B. (2017). “Queer Writing” in The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin, Webber, A. J. ed. Cambridge companions to literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 185-205.
Krass, A., & Wolf, A.B., 2017. Queer Writing. In A. J. Webber, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin. Cambridge companions to literature . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 185-205.
A. Krass and A.B. Wolf, “Queer Writing”, The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin, A.J. Webber, ed., Cambridge companions to literature , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp.185-205.
Krass, A., Wolf, A.B.: Queer Writing. In: Webber, A.J. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin. Cambridge companions to literature . p. 185-205. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017).
Krass, Andreas, and Wolf, Aaron Benedikt. “Queer Writing”. The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin. Ed. Andrew J. Webber. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Cambridge companions to literature . 185-205.