High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling
Chen K, Razinskas G, Vieker H, Gross H, Wu X, Beyer A, Gölzhäuser A, Hecht B (2018)
NANOSCALE 10(36): 17148-17155.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Chen, Kai;
Razinskas, Gary;
Vieker, HenningUniBi;
Gross, Heiko;
Wu, Xiaofei;
Beyer, AndréUniBi
Gölzhäuser, ArminUniBi
Hecht, Bert

Abstract / Bemerkung
Helium ion milling of chemically-synthesized micron-sized gold flakes is performed to fabricate ultra-narrow nanoslit cavities with a varying length and width down to 5 nm. Their plasmon resonances are characterized by one-photon photoluminescence spectroscopy. The combination of fabrication based on single-crystalline gold and resonant modes with low radiative losses leads to remarkably high quality factors of up to 24. Multiple Fabry-Perot-type resonances in the visible/near infrared spectral range are observed due to the achieved narrow slit widths and the resulting short effective wavelengths of nanoslit plasmons. These features make nanoslit cavities attractive for a range of applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy, ultrafast nano-optics and strong light-matter coupling.
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Chen K, Razinskas G, Vieker H, et al. High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling. NANOSCALE. 2018;10(36):17148-17155.
Chen, K., Razinskas, G., Vieker, H., Gross, H., Wu, X., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., et al. (2018). High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling. NANOSCALE, 10(36), 17148-17155. doi:10.1039/c8nr02160k
Chen, Kai, Razinskas, Gary, Vieker, Henning, Gross, Heiko, Wu, Xiaofei, Beyer, André, Gölzhäuser, Armin, and Hecht, Bert. 2018. “High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling”. NANOSCALE 10 (36): 17148-17155.
Chen, K., Razinskas, G., Vieker, H., Gross, H., Wu, X., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., and Hecht, B. (2018). High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling. NANOSCALE 10, 17148-17155.
Chen, K., et al., 2018. High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling. NANOSCALE, 10(36), p 17148-17155.
K. Chen, et al., “High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling”, NANOSCALE, vol. 10, 2018, pp. 17148-17155.
Chen, K., Razinskas, G., Vieker, H., Gross, H., Wu, X., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., Hecht, B.: High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling. NANOSCALE. 10, 17148-17155 (2018).
Chen, Kai, Razinskas, Gary, Vieker, Henning, Gross, Heiko, Wu, Xiaofei, Beyer, André, Gölzhäuser, Armin, and Hecht, Bert. “High-Q, low-mode-volume and multiresonant plasmonic nanoslit cavities fabricated by helium ion milling”. NANOSCALE 10.36 (2018): 17148-17155.
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