Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe

Sahin C, Rethmeier-Hanke A, Iseringhausen O, Liebe C, Wedmann B, Hower K (2018)

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Sahin, Charlotte; Rethmeier-Hanke, Anja; Iseringhausen, OlafUniBi; Liebe, Constanze; Wedmann, Bernd; Hower, Kira
Alternativer Titel
Geriatric case management at the kitchen table. Patient outcome of the pilot project for a regional geriatric care concept in the District of Lippe
Abstract / Bemerkung
BackgroundThe interdisciplinary healthcare treatment of the elderly needs to consider their complex needs. There is a need for new structures of care to be tested, as in the model project regional geriatric care (RVG) concept. The aim is to qualitatively improve the treatment of elderly, multimorbid people by the implementation of case management and therefore to promote living in their own home and avoidance of the necessity for care.ObjectiveHow can the quality of care of ageriatric care concept be measured and the benefits for the target group be evaluated?Materials and methodsThe explorative evaluation study reports patient outcomes for n= 380 participants who underwent geriatric assessment at the beginning of the intervention and again 12months later. Descriptive and bivariate data analyses are reported.ResultsParticipants of the RVG often had a greater need of support because of functional limitations. They rated their physical abilities, limitations and health mostly as being stable. The subjective mental well-being was significantly improved and satisfaction and acceptance by participants and their family members was high.ConclusionThe RVG care model enables a qualitatively improved geriatric care in the District of Lippe and considers the high potential for prevention. For organizing care and supporting independent living at home, it is more important to focus on the functional limitations of the elderly than on individual diseases. The tested concept for evaluation has limitations but serves as abasis for future clinical studies.
Health services research; Evaluation; Geriatric care network; Case; management; Conservation of independent living at home
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Sahin C, Rethmeier-Hanke A, Iseringhausen O, Liebe C, Wedmann B, Hower K. Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE. 2018;51(7):785-790.
Sahin, C., Rethmeier-Hanke, A., Iseringhausen, O., Liebe, C., Wedmann, B., & Hower, K. (2018). Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE, 51(7), 785-790. doi:10.1007/s00391-017-1264-9
Sahin, Charlotte, Rethmeier-Hanke, Anja, Iseringhausen, Olaf, Liebe, Constanze, Wedmann, Bernd, and Hower, Kira. 2018. “Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe”. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE 51 (7): 785-790.
Sahin, C., Rethmeier-Hanke, A., Iseringhausen, O., Liebe, C., Wedmann, B., and Hower, K. (2018). Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE 51, 785-790.
Sahin, C., et al., 2018. Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE, 51(7), p 785-790.
C. Sahin, et al., “Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe”, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE, vol. 51, 2018, pp. 785-790.
Sahin, C., Rethmeier-Hanke, A., Iseringhausen, O., Liebe, C., Wedmann, B., Hower, K.: Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE. 51, 785-790 (2018).
Sahin, Charlotte, Rethmeier-Hanke, Anja, Iseringhausen, Olaf, Liebe, Constanze, Wedmann, Bernd, and Hower, Kira. “Geriatrisches Case Management am Küchentisch Patienten-Outcomes im Modellprojekt Regionales Versorgungskonzept Geriatrie im Kreis Lippe”. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE 51.7 (2018): 785-790.

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