Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality

Walhorn V, Möller A-K, Bartz C, Dierks T, Anselmetti D (2018)
Scientific Reports 8(1): 16849.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
In non-covalent biological adhesion, molecular bonds commonly exhibit a monotonously decreasing life time when subjected to tensile forces (slip bonds). In contrast, catch bonds behave counter intuitively, as they show an increased life time within a certain force interval. To date only a hand full of catch bond displaying systems have been identified. In order to unveil their nature, a number of structural and phenomenological models have been introduced. Regardless of the individual causes for catch bond behavior, it appears evident that the free energy landscapes of these interactions bear more than one binding state. Here, we investigated the catch bond interaction between the hydrophilic domain of the human cell surface sulfatase 1 (Sulf1HD) and its physiological substrate heparan sulfate (HS) by atomic force microscopy based single molecule force spectroscopy (AFM-SMFS). Using Jarzynski's equality, we estimated the associated Gibbs free energy and provide a comprehensive thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of Sulf1HD/HS interaction. Interestingly, the binding potential landscape exhibits two distinct potential wells which confirms the recently suggested two state binding. Even though structural data of Sulf1HD is lacking, our results allow to draft a detailed picture of the directed and processive desulfation of HS.
Scientific Reports
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Walhorn V, Möller A-K, Bartz C, Dierks T, Anselmetti D. Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality. Scientific Reports. 2018;8(1): 16849.
Walhorn, V., Möller, A. - K., Bartz, C., Dierks, T., & Anselmetti, D. (2018). Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 16849. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-35120-0
Walhorn, Volker, Möller, Ann-Kristin, Bartz, Christian, Dierks, Thomas, and Anselmetti, Dario. 2018. “Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality”. Scientific Reports 8 (1): 16849.
Walhorn, V., Möller, A. - K., Bartz, C., Dierks, T., and Anselmetti, D. (2018). Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality. Scientific Reports 8:16849.
Walhorn, V., et al., 2018. Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 16849.
V. Walhorn, et al., “Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality”, Scientific Reports, vol. 8, 2018, : 16849.
Walhorn, V., Möller, A.-K., Bartz, C., Dierks, T., Anselmetti, D.: Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality. Scientific Reports. 8, : 16849 (2018).
Walhorn, Volker, Möller, Ann-Kristin, Bartz, Christian, Dierks, Thomas, and Anselmetti, Dario. “Exploring the Sulfatase 1 Catch Bond Free Energy Landscape using Jarzynski's Equality”. Scientific Reports 8.1 (2018): 16849.

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