An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts
Sionti M, Schack T, Aloimonos Y (2018)
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper we combine motion captured data with linguistic notions (preliminary study) in a game-like tutoring system (study 1), in order to help elementary school students to better differentiate literal from metaphorical uses of motion verbs, based on embodied information. In addition to the thematic goal, we intend to improve young students' attention and spatiotemporal memory, by presenting sensorimotor data experimentally collected from thirty two participants in our motion capturing labs. Furthermore, we examine the accomplishment of tutor's goals and compare them to curriculum's approach (study 2). Sixty nine elementary school students were randomly divided in two experimental groups (game-like and traditional) and one control group, which did not undergo an intervention. All groups were tested in pre and post-tests. Even though the diagnostic pretests present a uniform picture, two way analysis of variance suggests that the experimental groups showed progress in post-tests and, more specifically, game-like group showed less wrong answers in the linguistics task and higher learning achievements compared to the other two groups. Furthermore, in the game-like condition the participants needed gradually shorter period of time to identify the avatar's actions. This finding was considered as a first indication of attentional and spatiotemporal memory's improvement, while the tutor's assistance features cultivated students' metacognitive perception.
motion capture data;
educational (serious) game;
literal meaning;
language teaching;
spatiotemporal memory
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Sionti M, Schack T, Aloimonos Y. An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2018;9: 2254.
Sionti, M., Schack, T., & Aloimonos, Y. (2018). An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 9, 2254. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02254
Sionti, Marietta, Schack, Thomas, and Aloimonos, Yiannis. 2018. “An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts”. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 9: 2254.
Sionti, M., Schack, T., and Aloimonos, Y. (2018). An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 9:2254.
Sionti, M., Schack, T., & Aloimonos, Y., 2018. An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 9: 2254.
M. Sionti, T. Schack, and Y. Aloimonos, “An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts”, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 9, 2018, : 2254.
Sionti, M., Schack, T., Aloimonos, Y.: An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 9, : 2254 (2018).
Sionti, Marietta, Schack, Thomas, and Aloimonos, Yiannis. “An Embodied Tutoring System for Literal vs. Metaphorical Concepts”. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 9 (2018): 2254.
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Metaphor: Bridging embodiment to abstraction.
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On the spatial foundations of the conceptual system and its enrichment.
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Cardillo ER, Watson CE, Schmidt GL, Kranjec A, Chatterjee A., Neuroimage 59(4), 2011
PMID: 22155328
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