Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample
Hecker T, Huber S, Maier T, Maercker A (2018)
Journal of Traumatic Stress 31(6): 795-804.
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Hecker, TobiasUniBi
Huber, Stephanie;
Maier, Thomas;
Maercker, Andreas

Journal of Traumatic Stress
Page URI
Hecker T, Huber S, Maier T, Maercker A. Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2018;31(6):795-804.
Hecker, T., Huber, S., Maier, T., & Maercker, A. (2018). Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(6), 795-804. doi:10.1002/jts.22342
Hecker, Tobias, Huber, Stephanie, Maier, Thomas, and Maercker, Andreas. 2018. “Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample”. Journal of Traumatic Stress 31 (6): 795-804.
Hecker, T., Huber, S., Maier, T., and Maercker, A. (2018). Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress 31, 795-804.
Hecker, T., et al., 2018. Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(6), p 795-804.
T. Hecker, et al., “Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample”, Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 31, 2018, pp. 795-804.
Hecker, T., Huber, S., Maier, T., Maercker, A.: Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 31, 795-804 (2018).
Hecker, Tobias, Huber, Stephanie, Maier, Thomas, and Maercker, Andreas. “Differential Associations Among PTSD and Complex PTSD Symptoms and Traumatic Experiences and Postmigration Difficulties in a Culturally Diverse Refugee Sample”. Journal of Traumatic Stress 31.6 (2018): 795-804.
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