Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil?

Ptatscheck C, Milne PC, Traunspurger W (2018)
BMC Ecology 18(1): 43.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.68 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
Background Stemflow is an essential hydrologic process shaping the soil of forests by providing a concentrated input of rainwater and solutions. However, the transport of metazoans by stemflow has yet to be investigated. This 8-week study documented the organisms (< 2 mm) present in the stemflow of different tree species. Because the texture of the tree bark is a crucial determination of stemflow, trees with smooth bark (Carpinus betulus and Fagus sylvatica) and rough bark (Quercus robur) were examined. Results Up to 1170 individuals per liter of stemflow were collected. For rotifers and nematodes, a highly positive correlation between abundance and stemflow yield was determined. Both taxa were predominant (rotifers: up to 70%, nematodes: up to 13.5%) in the stemflow of smooth-barked trees whereas in that of the oak trees collembolans were the most abundant organisms (77.3%). The mean number of organisms collected per liter of stemflow from the two species of smooth-barked trees was very similar. A higher number of nematode species was found in the stemflow of these trees than in the stemflow of rough-barked oak and all were typical colonizers of soil- and bark-associated habitats. Conclusion This pilot study showed for the first time that stemflow is a transport vector for numerous small metazoans. By connecting tree habitats (e.g., bark, moss, lichens or water-filled tree holes) with soil, stemflow may influence the composition of soil fauna by mediating intensive organismal dispersal.
Forest ecosystems Forest soil Canopy Nematodes Rotifers Collembolans
BMC Ecology
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Ptatscheck C, Milne PC, Traunspurger W. Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil? BMC Ecology. 2018;18(1): 43.
Ptatscheck, C., Milne, P. C., & Traunspurger, W. (2018). Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil? BMC Ecology, 18(1), 43.
Ptatscheck, Christoph, Milne, Patrick Connor, and Traunspurger, Walter. 2018. “Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil?”. BMC Ecology 18 (1): 43.
Ptatscheck, C., Milne, P. C., and Traunspurger, W. (2018). Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil? BMC Ecology 18:43.
Ptatscheck, C., Milne, P.C., & Traunspurger, W., 2018. Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil? BMC Ecology, 18(1): 43.
C. Ptatscheck, P.C. Milne, and W. Traunspurger, “Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil?”, BMC Ecology, vol. 18, 2018, : 43.
Ptatscheck, C., Milne, P.C., Traunspurger, W.: Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil? BMC Ecology. 18, : 43 (2018).
Ptatscheck, Christoph, Milne, Patrick Connor, and Traunspurger, Walter. “Is stemflow a vector for the transport of small metazoans from tree surfaces down to soil?”. BMC Ecology 18.1 (2018): 43.
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