Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal

Jongen M, Förster AC, Unger S (2019)
Plant Ecology 120(2): 183–197.

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Jongen, Marjan; Förster, Alina Christine ; Unger, StephanUniBi
Plant Ecology
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Jongen M, Förster AC, Unger S. Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal. Plant Ecology. 2019;120(2):183–197.
Jongen, M., Förster, A. C., & Unger, S. (2019). Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal. Plant Ecology, 120(2), 183–197. doi:10.1007/s11258-018-0869-4
Jongen, Marjan, Förster, Alina Christine, and Unger, Stephan. 2019. “Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal”. Plant Ecology 120 (2): 183–197.
Jongen, M., Förster, A. C., and Unger, S. (2019). Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal. Plant Ecology 120, 183–197.
Jongen, M., Förster, A.C., & Unger, S., 2019. Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal. Plant Ecology, 120(2), p 183–197.
M. Jongen, A.C. Förster, and S. Unger, “Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal”, Plant Ecology, vol. 120, 2019, pp. 183–197.
Jongen, M., Förster, A.C., Unger, S.: Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal. Plant Ecology. 120, 183–197 (2019).
Jongen, Marjan, Förster, Alina Christine, and Unger, Stephan. “Overwhelming effects of autumn-time drought during seedling establishment impair recovery potential in sown and semi-natural pastures in Portugal”. Plant Ecology 120.2 (2019): 183–197.

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