Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective
Kaltmeier O (2017)
In: Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives. Rehm L, Kemner J, Kaltmeier O (Eds); Inter-American studies, 19. Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press: 151-154.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rehm, Lukas;
Kemner, Jochen;
Kaltmeier, Olaf
Center for Interamerican Studies
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Iberische und lateinamerikanische Geschichte
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Schule für Historische Forschung
Institut für Weltgesellschaft
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Iberische und lateinamerikanische Geschichte
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie > Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft > Schule für Historische Forschung
Institut für Weltgesellschaft
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives
Inter-American studies
Page URI
Kaltmeier O. Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective. In: Rehm L, Kemner J, Kaltmeier O, eds. Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives. Inter-American studies. Vol 19. Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press; 2017: 151-154.
Kaltmeier, O. (2017). Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective. In L. Rehm, J. Kemner, & O. Kaltmeier (Eds.), Inter-American studies: Vol. 19. Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives (pp. 151-154). Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press.
Kaltmeier, Olaf. 2017. “Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective”. In Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives, ed. Lukas Rehm, Jochen Kemner, and Olaf Kaltmeier, 19:151-154. Inter-American studies. Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press.
Kaltmeier, O. (2017). “Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective” in Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives, Rehm, L., Kemner, J., and Kaltmeier, O. eds. Inter-American studies, vol. 19, (Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press), 151-154.
Kaltmeier, O., 2017. Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective. In L. Rehm, J. Kemner, & O. Kaltmeier, eds. Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives. Inter-American studies. no.19 Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press, pp. 151-154.
O. Kaltmeier, “Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective”, Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives, L. Rehm, J. Kemner, and O. Kaltmeier, eds., Inter-American studies, vol. 19, Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press, 2017, pp.151-154.
Kaltmeier, O.: Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective. In: Rehm, L., Kemner, J., and Kaltmeier, O. (eds.) Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives. Inter-American studies. 19, p. 151-154. WVT / Bilingual Press, Trier, Tempe (2017).
Kaltmeier, Olaf. “Politics of Entanglements from the Local Perspective”. Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives. Ed. Lukas Rehm, Jochen Kemner, and Olaf Kaltmeier. Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press, 2017.Vol. 19. Inter-American studies. 151-154.
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Politics of Entanglement in the Americas. Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives
Kemner J, Rehm L, Kaltmeier O (Eds) (2017) Inter-American studies; 19.
Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press.
Kemner J, Rehm L, Kaltmeier O (Eds) (2017) Inter-American studies; 19.
Trier, Tempe: WVT / Bilingual Press.