Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata

Streib H, Klein C (2018)
In: Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Streib H, Klein C (Eds); Cham: Springer International Publishing: 181-201.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Streib, Heinz; Klein, Constantin
Abstract / Bemerkung
The Bielefeld Study on Xenosophia and Religion in Germany included a special focus on the differential assessment of religion, spirituality and religious styles, in order to analyze their effects on the attitudes toward the alien, such as the culture of welcome, xenophobia and xenophilia. The research design thus in-cluded, besides attention to the pathogenic effects of religion, a decisive focus on the salutogenic effects of religion. Structure equation modeling was used with a sample of N = 1,471 to assess the role of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale, the self-rating as "religious" and "spiritual," the Openness to Change factor and the Tolerance of Complexity Scale, and the assessment of religious styles and sche-mata measured with the Religious Schema Scale (RSS), which includes a subscale for xenosophia/inter-religious dialog. When target variables for the culture of welcome, xenophobia and xenophilia, Islamophobia and Islamophilia are included in the equation, results indicate that the RSS subscales, and the RSS subscale xenosophia/inter-religious dialog in particular, have an effective mediating role and largely account for the difference between negative and positive attitudes.
Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome
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Streib H, Klein C. Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata. In: Streib H, Klein C, eds. Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018: 181-201.
Streib, H., & Klein, C. (2018). Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata. In H. Streib & C. Klein (Eds.), Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome (pp. 181-201). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74564-0_6
Streib, Heinz, and Klein, Constantin. 2018. “Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata”. In Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome, ed. Heinz Streib and Constantin Klein, 181-201. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Streib, H., and Klein, C. (2018). “Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata” in Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome, Streib, H., and Klein, C. eds. (Cham: Springer International Publishing), 181-201.
Streib, H., & Klein, C., 2018. Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata. In H. Streib & C. Klein, eds. Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 181-201.
H. Streib and C. Klein, “Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata”, Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome, H. Streib and C. Klein, eds., Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp.181-201.
Streib, H., Klein, C.: Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata. In: Streib, H. and Klein, C. (eds.) Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. p. 181-201. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018).
Streib, Heinz, and Klein, Constantin. “Explaining Xenophobia and Xenosophia: Effects of Religiosity, Openness, Tolerance of Complexity, and Religious Schemata”. Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Ed. Heinz Streib and Constantin Klein. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 181-201.
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Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome
Streib H, Klein C (Eds) (2018)
Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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