Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice

Klein C, Lühr M, Streib H (2018)
In: Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Streib H, Klein C (Eds); Cham: Springer International Publishing: 23-84.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Streib, Heinz; Klein, Constantin
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this chapter, we give an overview over extant empirical research on the relation between religiosity and prejudice. We start with a brief description of the definitions and types of prejudice, the formation, functions, and consequences of prejudice and continue with an overview over findings on associations between religiosity and distinct types of prejudice in diverse cultural contexts. Subsequently, we introduce concepts of distinct types of religiosity such as religious fundamentalism, intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest religiosity and report how they are relat-ed to prejudice. As the distinction between diverse types of religiosity in prejudice research has primarily been a North American enterprise so far, we additionally present a comparative analysis of correlations between distinct types of religiosity and distinct types of prejudice in the USA, Canada, and six European countries in order to sketch the context for our Bielefeld Study on Xenosophia and Religion. Finally, we draw some conclusions with respect to the design of our own study.
Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome
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Klein C, Lühr M, Streib H. Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice. In: Streib H, Klein C, eds. Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018: 23-84.
Klein, C., Lühr, M., & Streib, H. (2018). Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice. In H. Streib & C. Klein (Eds.), Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome (pp. 23-84). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74564-0_2
Klein, Constantin, Lühr, Matthias, and Streib, Heinz. 2018. “Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice”. In Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome, ed. Heinz Streib and Constantin Klein, 23-84. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Klein, C., Lühr, M., and Streib, H. (2018). “Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice” in Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome, Streib, H., and Klein, C. eds. (Cham: Springer International Publishing), 23-84.
Klein, C., Lühr, M., & Streib, H., 2018. Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice. In H. Streib & C. Klein, eds. Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 23-84.
C. Klein, M. Lühr, and H. Streib, “Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice”, Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome, H. Streib and C. Klein, eds., Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp.23-84.
Klein, C., Lühr, M., Streib, H.: Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice. In: Streib, H. and Klein, C. (eds.) Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. p. 23-84. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018).
Klein, Constantin, Lühr, Matthias, and Streib, Heinz. “Extant Empirical Research on Religiosity and Prejudice”. Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome. Ed. Heinz Streib and Constantin Klein. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 23-84.
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Xenosophia and Religion. Biographical and Statistical Paths for a Culture of Welcome
Streib H, Klein C (Eds) (2018)
Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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