Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction

Jakobs R, Schweiger R, Müller C (2019)
New Phytologist 221(1): 503-514.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Summary - Phloem sap quality can differ between and within plants, and affect the performance of aphids. In turn, aphid infestation may change the chemical composition and nutritional value of phloem sap. However, the effects of different aphid species on the overall phloem sap composition of distinct parts within plant individuals in relation to aphid performance remain unclear. - To test the specificity of plant responses to aphids, we used two chemotypes of Tanacetum vulgare plants and placed the monophagous aphids Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria and Uroleucon tanaceti on different plant parts (stems close to the inflorescence, young and old leaves). Aphid population growth was determined and sugars, organic acids, amino acids and metabolic fingerprints of phloem exudates were analysed. - Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria performed best on stems, whereas U. tanaceti performed best on old leaves, indicating differences in niche conformance. Aphid infestation led to distinct changes in the phloem exudate composition of distinct metabolite classes, differing particularly between plant parts but less between chemotypes. - In summary, plant responses to aphids are highly specific for the chemotype, plant part, metabolite class and aphid species. These changes may indicate that aphids construct their own niche, optimizing the food quality on the plant parts they prefer.
aphid metabolomics niche conformance niche construction phloem sap chemistry
New Phytologist
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Jakobs R, Schweiger R, Müller C. Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction. New Phytologist. 2019;221(1):503-514.
Jakobs, R., Schweiger, R., & Müller, C. (2019). Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction. New Phytologist, 221(1), 503-514. doi:10.1111/nph.15335
Jakobs, Ruth, Schweiger, Rabea, and Müller, Caroline. 2019. “Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction”. New Phytologist 221 (1): 503-514.
Jakobs, R., Schweiger, R., and Müller, C. (2019). Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction. New Phytologist 221, 503-514.
Jakobs, R., Schweiger, R., & Müller, C., 2019. Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction. New Phytologist, 221(1), p 503-514.
R. Jakobs, R. Schweiger, and C. Müller, “Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction”, New Phytologist, vol. 221, 2019, pp. 503-514.
Jakobs, R., Schweiger, R., Müller, C.: Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction. New Phytologist. 221, 503-514 (2019).
Jakobs, Ruth, Schweiger, Rabea, and Müller, Caroline. “Aphid infestation leads to plant part-specific changes in phloem sap chemistry, which may indicate niche construction”. New Phytologist 221.1 (2019): 503-514.

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