{"extern":"1","first_contributor":"Lohaus, Arnold","type":"journal_article","pmid":1,"unibi_person":1,"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0022-0965"]},"abstract":[{"text":"A previous study on water-level task performance using binomial mixture analyses showed that subgroups of subjects could be identified which used different response rules. Some subjects used a bottom parallel rule, others used a random-like rule, and still others used the correct response rule. The present study relates the water-level task performance of these subgroups to field effect influences. Subjects were 604 children and adolescents aged 7 to 15 years who responded to eight water-level and eight rod-and-frame task items. The results show that the water-level response distribution is influenced by the frame of the vessel. These field effects are relatively small if subjects maintain a fixed response rule, and they are large if subjects use a nonfixed random rule. Both field effects and response rules contribute to the behavior of subjects responding to water-level task items.","lang":"eng"}],"type_old":["journalArticle","journalarticle","journal_article"],"_id":"2919970","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"author":[{"full_name":"Lohaus, Arnold","last_name":"Lohaus","first_name":"Arnold","department":[{"_id":"33696"}],"id":"174992"},{"last_name":"Thomas","first_name":"Hoben","full_name":"Thomas, Hoben"},{"full_name":"Kessler, Thomas","first_name":"Thomas","last_name":"Kessler"},{"first_name":"Günther","last_name":"Gediga","full_name":"Gediga, Günther"}],"date_created":"2018-05-22T14:12:23Z","issue":"1","date_updated":"2019-11-18T15:47:12Z","doi":"10.1006/jecp.1996.0043","publication":"Journal of Experimental Child Psychology","publication_status":"published","citation":{"frontiers":"Lohaus, A., Thomas, H., Kessler, T., and Gediga, G. (1996). Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em> 63, 79-102.","default":"Lohaus A, Thomas H, Kessler T, Gediga G (1996) <br /><em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em> 63(1): 79-102.","aps":" A.  Lohaus, et al., Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology <strong>63</strong>, 79 (1996).","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Lohaus, Arnold, Thomas, Hoben, Kessler, Thomas, and Gediga, Günther. 1996. “Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences”. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em> 63 (1): 79-102.</div>","ama":"Lohaus A, Thomas H, Kessler T, Gediga G. Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>. 1996;63(1):79-102.","mla":"Lohaus, Arnold, Thomas, Hoben, Kessler, Thomas, and Gediga, Günther. “Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences”. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em> 63.1 (1996): 79-102.","ieee":" A. Lohaus, et al., “Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences”, <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>,  vol. 63, 1996,  pp. 79-102.","bio1":"Lohaus A, Thomas H, Kessler T, Gediga G (1996) <br />Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences.<br />Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 63(1): 79-102.","lncs":" Lohaus, A., Thomas, H., Kessler, T., Gediga, G.: Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 63, 79-102 (1996).","harvard1":"Lohaus, A., et al., 1996. Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>, 63(1), p 79-102.","angewandte-chemie":"A.  Lohaus, H.  Thomas, T.  Kessler, and G.  Gediga, “Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences”, <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>, <strong>1996</strong>, <em>63</em>, 79-102.","wels":"Lohaus, A.; Thomas, H.; Kessler, T.; Gediga, G. (1996): Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>,63:(1): 79-102.","dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Lohaus, A., Thomas, H., Kessler, T. &amp; Gediga, G. (1996). Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>, <em>63</em>(1), 79-102. Elsevier BV. doi:10.1006/jecp.1996.0043.</div>","apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Lohaus, A., Thomas, H., Kessler, T., &amp; Gediga, G. (1996). Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>, <em>63</em>(1), 79-102. doi:10.1006/jecp.1996.0043</div>","apa":"Lohaus, A., Thomas, H., Kessler, T., &amp; Gediga, G. (1996). Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences. <em>Journal of Experimental Child Psychology</em>, <em>63</em>(1), 79-102. doi:10.1006/jecp.1996.0043"},"volume":63,"intvolume":"        63","external_id":{"isi":["A1996VH31900004"],"pmid":["8812030"]},"status":"public","year":"1996","publisher":"Elsevier BV","department":[{"_id":"33696"}],"isi":1,"title":"Decomposing Water-Level Responses: Field Effects as Separate Influences","page":"79-102"}