Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance

Thomas H, Lohaus A, Kessler T (1999)
Developmental Psychology 35(4): 1024-1037.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Thomas, Hoben; Lohaus, ArnoldUniBi; Kessler, Thomas
Abstract / Bemerkung
Three longitudinal samples of children (N = 481), 8 to 16 years old, were assessed 3 times at yearly intervals on 8 water-level items. The within-child change in task performance over age is viewed as a stochastic process of the child, changing or remaining in 1 of 3 latent (strategy) states: (a) bottom-parallel responders, (b) random responders, or (c) accurate responders. A random-effects binomial mixture distribution is used to model performance at each age. Change over age is gauged by a stochastic transition model. Although there was improvement in task performance over age, the more general finding is that strategy stability, not change, is most typical.
Developmental Psychology
1939-0599, 0012-1649
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Thomas H, Lohaus A, Kessler T. Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance. Developmental Psychology. 1999;35(4):1024-1037.
Thomas, H., Lohaus, A., & Kessler, T. (1999). Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance. Developmental Psychology, 35(4), 1024-1037. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.35.4.1024
Thomas, Hoben, Lohaus, Arnold, and Kessler, Thomas. 1999. “Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance”. Developmental Psychology 35 (4): 1024-1037.
Thomas, H., Lohaus, A., and Kessler, T. (1999). Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance. Developmental Psychology 35, 1024-1037.
Thomas, H., Lohaus, A., & Kessler, T., 1999. Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance. Developmental Psychology, 35(4), p 1024-1037.
H. Thomas, A. Lohaus, and T. Kessler, “Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance”, Developmental Psychology, vol. 35, 1999, pp. 1024-1037.
Thomas, H., Lohaus, A., Kessler, T.: Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance. Developmental Psychology. 35, 1024-1037 (1999).
Thomas, Hoben, Lohaus, Arnold, and Kessler, Thomas. “Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance”. Developmental Psychology 35.4 (1999): 1024-1037.

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